Title: What makes you think you can govern me?
Author: Noam Audrid
Date: Summer 2024.
Source: Retrieved on Jun 14 2024 from https://unfuturingzine.com/unfuturing-01-summer24.pdf.

What makes you think you can govern me?

When my mind is about to explode and fling

Shrapnel in every direction and into the void

For this soul of mine is weeping, while yours gently

Blow sleeping in the gaze of protective eyes.

Barrage the barricades of your world ‘til they tumble

Crumble onto the doorstep of our anarchist utopia?

A ticking fission or fusion bomb around the nuclear family -

I cannot wait until it disintegrates into ash

It never did anything to me - Blood

Lines only weave together pain - Choose

Your own kind over the abstract confines

Of a triple helix with the extra back

Bone of suffering.

The bigotry ebbs and flows through our collective

Memories that we perhaps should forget but cannot

Unsee through flashbacks of those who harmed -

Us, through bricks at glass and break the institution

That hates us - that seeks to eradicate us

Yas I may be extreme but was that ever a bad thing -

I’ll just shine with the light of a trillion photons

Exploding and releasing the energy

Of my ungovernable queer self.