#title Decalogue of self-management #author Abraham Guillen #source Retrieved on February 7, 2025 from https://www.marxists.org/espanol/guillen/decalogo.htm #lang en #pubdate 2025-02-10T07:05:37.773Z #topics self-management 1. Self-management: do not delegate popular power. 2. Autonomy of initiatives: unite the whole and the parts in a federative socialism. 3. Federation of self-managed organizations. Socialism must not be chaotic, but a coherent unity of the whole and its parts, of the region and the nation. 4. Direct action: anti-capitalism, anti-bureaucratism, so that the people are the active subject of history, through direct democracy. 5. Coordinated self-defense: against totalitarian bureaucracy and the imperialist bourgeoisie, defense of freedom and self-managed socialism, spread through propaganda by actions and not with rhetoric. 6. Cooperation in the countryside and self-management in the city: agriculture lends itself to a self-managed enterprise, whose model can be the cooperative agro-industrial complex. In the city, industries and services must be self-managed; but their boards of directors must be made up of direct producers; without any mediation by the ruling class. 7. Unionization of production: unionized work must become work associated with its means of production, without bureaucracy or bourgeoisie directing the companies in an employer-like manner. 8. All power to the assemblies: no one should decide for the people or usurp their functions with the professionalism of politics; the delegation of powers should not be permanent but non-bureaucratic, with people who are eligible and revocable by the assemblies at any time. 9. Do not delegate politics: no parties, vanguards, elites, leaders, conductors; because Soviet bureaucracy has killed the spontaneity of the masses, their creative capacity, their revolutionary action, until they have become a passive people: a docile instrument of the “elites” of Power. 10. Socialization and not nationalization of wealth: passing the leading role in history to unions, cooperatives, local self-managing societies, popular organizations, mutual societies, associations of all kinds, self-administrations or self-governments, local, regional, and federal, national, continental or world co-government. The proletariat, if it continues to be manipulated by bureaucratic communists, will not fulfill its historical role of emancipating all social classes, since the bureaucracy would thus become the new dominant class, if the producers do not fully exercise their self-power through organs of direct democracy, if the people delegate their historical and political mission to bureaucracies, it will be nothing; it will not be historicalized as has happened with slaves and serfs, for not having removed their masters and mistresses from class power: feudal or landlady.