Adriana Varella



The M@nifesto
(For All Artists in Anarchy)

We want constant instability through movement
chaos = TRANSmutations
our laboratory is a party where authoritarian structures dissolve and turn into feces
it stands at the intersection of many forces
in the junction of lines = parallel realities that hatch eggs —
continuously exchanging
self-management, autonomy and TRANSgression through the experiment of the process
we are not interested in the outcome or product
we practice the destruction of myths
we are not producers of entertainment but destroyers of spectacles
we produce disturbances—ruins—dream that dreams
in our laboratory everybody can do art
from invisibility to the individual sovereignty
creation of the unique in delirious imaginary and incomprehensible words
devoid of structure
we don’t explain anything … we build moments, situations;
we are all renegades and synchronous
we are not interested in any notion of property (personal, intellectual or creative)
we are interested in different possibilities and combinations
nothing belongs to us and we do not belong to anything
we experience momentary ambia{e}nce, lapses, random TRANSformations, disorder
we like to be in the flow … decentralized, destabilized
we practice telepathy …TRANSlanguage = without future or past = present moment

by coercion we bring the spectators to integrate the process
we want them out of passivity, participating with us in the here and now
(with the head into the imaginary of the unconscious collective)
and the body-flash also … if possible
we want the free communion of “the unique”
we need open deserts and oceans
we are interested in the non-existent, the incomprehensible and indescribable
we want all the pleasures not permitted
we continue the work of our ancestors (dada, fluxus, futurism, situationists, vagabonds, etc.)

we make noise, performance, poetry, installation, drawing, movement.

We dissolve and TRANSmute, with no hierarchy
we are polymorphs, bon vivants and rebels
raw savagery of the latent state of the soul
we experiment with the TRANSitory, the perpetual revolution—the intuition
we are TRANSsexuals—we want the abolition of gender together with the abolition of classes and free from any kind of government …
our delirium makes us plan cities and utopian places—but we look for abstractions
we are ungovernable
we are interested in ideas and actions—and vice versa
everything is process, process, process—with no routes
witnessing the states of full and empty
we want the ocio, the imaginary, the illogical,
the delirium, the variation, the irrational, the party, the dream
and the free instincts to experiment with human existence in its totality.
We want continuous revolutions and trans-h(er)storical space—
where all effective revolts are projected in the direction of being free
TRANSforming this biopsychic space
absorbing the violence that generates antagonisms
for the birth of subjectivity
our laboratory detoxifies and ends the boundaries between realities
we want TRANCE

for the realization of the TRANSindividual
for dispersion and vulnerability
we practice free love, we are orgies

we connect poetic intuition with dust creation and artistic action—

for the freedom of childhood through perception ...the reality is what we imagine / we want the inversion of everything
ecstasy … excess … amazement transmission
we experience the unfinished and we subvert ... subvert and subvert ... always
we are not spectators of survival—wE aRe aLive
and long live the unfolding
we invade and penetrate all “impossible” spaces
we are amoral—immoral debunkers
the outside is the inside—Möbius—we neutralize criteria … TRANS-tropias
we ask, what about space-time?
imagine ... they are empty

and in “between” we jump o u t—we are free from time-space
we experience the synthesis of the surprise of the unexpected
the collapse, we want the marginal-trans-conscious
in the age of fools we have a point of action
art below—above—in between ... without limits
we are within the imaginary in a free zone
with total subversion
stripped of any quality or possession
we are wild

we are naked

and in fire …

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