Ammon Hennacy
The one-man revolution
Why do you, a sensible person, now believe that war and the atomic bomb are necessary?
Why do the poor eastern peasants who have rarely eaten enough in their lives choose to fight against us? Why does communism attract so many people? Is it because we have failed as Christians?
Why are we in this mess? Because we have sought security outside ourselves instead of accepting responsibility. Because we have left the matter to the politicians, accepted their bribes of pensions and subsidies, and their impossible promises of prosperity.
My fault: for seven years I have refused to pay income tax on wars and bombs. I am fasting these five days as penance for not having awakened more people to the fact that the way of Jesus and Gandhi is not the way of the atomic bomb. This war, like the last two, will bring neither peace nor freedom.
What can we do now? We made a revolution against England and we are still not free. The Russians made a revolution against the Tsar and now have an even stronger dictatorship. It is not too late to make a revolution that means something, one that will last; your own one-man revolution. It is not too late to be a man instead of a nobody blinded by the love of money.
Are you a producer or a parasite? Why not stop voting for all politicians? Why not refuse to make munitions or go to war?
Why pay income tax for your own destruction?