This is a reaction to Why I'm not clapping for Luigi Mangione.
The article deplores that so many anarchists :
are still joining in the clapping for his [the shooter's] actions. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for self-defence and not mourning for the CEO, but Mangione was not trying to free anybody. He had no connection to any mutual support, and never cared to share his privileges with the oppressed
The rest of the article adds more meat to the above statement and it makes good points about what people like the shooter usually do. It's short so go give it a read.
The point I want to make is this : the guy's personal beliefs don't matter, neither does a CEO's usefulness or lack thereof. What matters is what normal people all over the political spectrum are saying about it.
The reactions to Thompson's death have been incredibly positive, and people are pissed at the way things are currently going. It should make us realise that most people are potential allies and that it's up to us to go talk and work with them.
It is an opportunity for us to talk with normal people about the system and how it hurts them. This probably won't turn a lot of people into full blown anarchists overnight, but we have to start somewhere, and people suffering or dying because of a denied insurance claim is a pretty good start.
We shouldn't let this go to waste.