#cover a-s-anonymous-see-what-happens-when-people-don-t-w-1.png #title See What Happens When People Don’t Work #author Anonymous #SORTtopics anti-work, green anarchism #date 1989 #source Live Wild or Die #2 #lang en #pubdate 2021-11-14T01:09:23 This is Jim O’Donnell. He has a real job. With the logging industry. He’s holding tree spikes that broke a saw blade. They were put there by people who would rather not work. Instead, they prefer to live for adventure, spontaneity, and the pleasure of genuine experience. They also sabotage machinery, loot logging sites, pull survey stakes, and spike trees. They scorn externally imposed law, morality, and limits. They refuse, as more and more people are doing, to accept their proper role in society. A role planned for them by people like the timber executives Jim O’Donnell works for who see Nature as lifeless, a pile of resources waiting to be exploited. These bureaucrats and managers hold this view because, like all commodities, they too have a price tag on them—called a paycheck. They too are exploited. This makes them lifeless as well. These “vandals,” on the contrary, see Nature as wild, living and beautiful. A source of infinite joy. They recognize this beauty as part of their own human nature. They feel wild and free, unconstrained by the shackles of paycheck-to-pricetag consumerism that imprison so many people. Jim O’Donnell wants them stopped. They are a hindrance to the efficient reproduction of consumer society and alienated humanity’s dreams of Nature fully tamed. But what Jim O’Donnnell and others like him don’t understand is that the smallest glimpse of freedom is never forgotten. Once the gates of liberation are opened, there is not holding back the flood. THEY SEE LIFE’S BRILLIANCE AS TOO PRECIOUS TO EVER AGAIN RELINQUISH. INDUSTRIALISM IS THE ENEMY. DESTROY WHAT DESTROYS YOU.