Title: Steal Meat // Be a Kleptitarian
Author: anonymous
Date: 04/08/2023
Source: https://archive.org/details/kleptitarian-screen/mode/2up
Copyright notice: anti-copyright


you should never purchase meat. but always steal it.

kleptitarians steal all their food. when it suits them they steal food that results from harm to animals and the environment such as meat.

freegans reclaim all their food. they get food from dumpsters and any place where food is thrown away.

vegans buy all their food. they do not eat any animals.

normies buy all their food. they eat animals.

kleptitarianism is better than freeganism. freeganism is better than veganism. veganism is better than purchasing animal products. this is true if you think the things listed below are important:

  • attacking capitalism

  • reducing pollution and climate change

  • improving health

  • eliminating harm to animals

  • creating a just society

  • experiencing joy

the focus here is on eating. but disabling the killing of animals before meat is created is better. one destroyed meat facility is worth more than a thousand stolen steaks. do both.

indigenous societies and traditions are not addressed here.

attacking capitalism

capitalism is a system of domination where a privileged class exploits humans and nonhuman animals for profit. anarchic ways of creating food that respect human and nonhuman animal life such as mutualism; communism; egoism; socialism; or anything else would be better.

a way to stop capitalism is to make capitalists lose money. when profits are gone and revenue declines there is no reason to be in business. reducing revenue through theft is one way to make capitalists lose money. taking over and abolishing the farms is another. kleptitarianism reduces the revenue and profits of the capitalist system more than any other idea of how to eat.

imagine that the price of a steak is $20 and the cost of making the steak is $15. for every steak sold the revenue is $20 and the profit is $5. for every steak made but not sold the loss is $15.

a kleptitarian steals the steak. when the steak would have been bought by another person the loss to the capitalist is $20. when the steak would have not been bought the loss to the capitalist is $15. the capitalist cannot avoid the loss by making less steaks because making less steaks cannot stop theft. the capitalist can only increase security; raise prices; or stop making steaks.

a freegan reclaims the steak if it is available. when the steak would have been bought by another person the capitalist gets $20 and the freegan gets no steak. when the steak would not have been bought the capitalist loses $15 and the freegan gets the steak. the capitalist can make less steaks to avoid losses from steaks not being bought.

a vegan does not buy the steak. when the steak would have been bought by another person the capitalist gets $20. when the steak would not have been bought the capitalist loses $15. the vegan gets no steak in either case. the capitalist can limit losses by making less steaks. other capitalists who make vegan food get money from the vegan.

a normie buys the steak. this gets $20 for the capitalist who makes meat. the capitalist will make more steaks to get more profit from the normies.

when the steak would have otherwise been bought and when the steak would not have been bought the kleptitarian harms the capitalist more than the freegan and vegan. unlike the freegan and vegan the damage done by the kleptitarian cannot be stopped by making less steaks. the capitalist must spend money on security to stop the kleptitarian. the normie helps the capitalist who makes meat. the vegan helps the capitalist who does not make meat.

reducing pollution and climate change

all food made under the capitalist system damages the environment and causes climate change. food systems based on distributed autonomous associations of anticapitalists using sustainable techniques such as permaculture can make more than enough healthy food while healing humans and the environment. that food system requires eliminating industrial scale meat production that causes pollution and climate change.

although there are exceptions vegetarian and vegan diets do less damage to the environment than meat based diets. they also cause less greenhouse gas emissions for each calorie or gram of protein provided. vegan diets that get the bulk of their calories and protein from nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds; walnuts; and peanuts; cause much lower pollution and climate change than meat based diets. some nuts even absorb harmful pollution that causes climate change.

kleptitarians who steal only a vegan diet will produce no more pollution and climate effects than a vegan. it is possible to further reduce harm to the environment by stealing meat. kleptitarians who steal meat destroy the ability of capitalists to get profit from meat. this puts meat producers out of business which leads to reducing environmental and climate impacts. stealing vegan food does not attack the meat economy this way.

a concern is that there is a possibility that meat kleptitarianism might lead to more meat being created in the short term because grocers will restock the stolen items without raising prices. however in the long term the capitalist cannot keep restocking meat that will be stolen because it will put them out of business. vegan kleptitarianism does not have this problem because only vegan items will be restocked. the freegan diet does not have the restocking effect potential because only spoiled items are taken.

improving health

kleptitarianism gives people the choice of what to consume without considering how much money they have. if a person wants a healthy diet composed of lean meats; nuts; seeds; vegetables; and fruit; the only thing stopping the kleptitarian from eating that diet is the cops. the freegan must base their diet on only the things other people do not buy. the freegan may not be able to get healthy food if stores do not throw healthy food away. the vegan and normie purchase what they want with the money they have. if they don’t have enough money for healthy food they must buy unhealthy food.

eliminating harm to animals

meat kleptitarianism will decrease harm to animals in the long term by making the capitalists stop producing meat because they cannot make profit. the restocking effect means that there is the potential to do harm to animals in the short term. but it is unknown how much the restocking effect is real or imaginary and how long the effect will last.

creating a just society

a just society is one where each individual has the freedom to make decisions that are the best for themself and the people around them. this means each person must be able to determine what is right and wrong based on their reason and judgment. kleptitarianism helps people develop that reason and judgment because the kleptitarian must determine whether their principles and actions are worth the risk of getting caught. the other ways of eating do not take that risk. people who are not kleptitarians make choices unconsciously based on family tradition; habit; and what is easiest based on the current arrangement of society.

experiencing joy

fighting for freedom brings joy. there is no greater feeling than fighting back against the systems that have held humans down for thousands of years. paying for food is the opposite of joy because it requires working. workers are human zombies that spend their physical and mental energy on meaningless tasks that harm themself and others. there is also a thrill to liberating food from the capitalist system. there is exhilaration from the potential of getting caught. satisfaction in eating what one wants. freedom and independence that come from making choices about what is right and wrong based on reason rather than rule following or fear.

some techniques for getting food from stores

when getting food you are a regular shopper for most of the time you are in the store. only for a few seconds in the store or as you leave the store are you doing anything different than a normal shopper. you look like a normal shopper. you act like a normal shopper. the only evidence left behind is a few seconds of camera footage in the store and as you leave the store. this footage is of a person in a covid mask and hat maybe with food that is not bagged.

before you go in

research the shoplifting laws in your area

be informed about the different charges and sentences you might get. sometimes getting caught with less than $100 of merchandise is just a ticket called a summary offense while more than $100 is a misdemeanor with possible jail time. in addition to informing you about consequences this research can help you avoid dumb situations such as getting caught with $101 worth of food. it also encourages you to pay attention to prices and the total amount while you are shopping which is what normal customers do.

wear the right clothes

protect your identity. stores often keep surveillance camera footage for a long time. they can look back at camera footage to identify you if you are caught. wear a covid mask and hat. be anonymous but not suspicious. you must find an appropriate balance of the two. big chain stores use facial recognition. consider the use of ‘burner clothes’ that you never wear for other purposes and regularly discard. do not repeatedly wear the same clothes especially shoes.

find the right location

find a store where employees are not paying attention. large chain stores in wealthy or rural neighborhoods often pay little attention to shoplifting since it rarely happens there. signs of a store that is actively trying to stop shoplifting include attentive receipt checkers and security guards at the exit; store layouts that prevent exiting without going through the checkout aisles; employees who seem to be paying attention to you and everyone else; other technologies such as door alarms; heavy camera coverage; carts that say they will stop functioning if they do not pass through checkout; screens showing live camera footage of your shopping activity.

you must use your judgment about whether or not the store is actively prepared to stop you. it is good to find stores with policies that say security cannot chase shoplifters. research the area and store using the loss prevention subreddit. beware of small mom and pop shops. these owners and employees often do not have any problems with chasing you. they might even use force. do not repeatedly go to the same store.

choose the right time

saturday afternoon is usually the busiest shopping time. thursday through sunday afternoons and early evenings also often work. make sure the store is busy enough that it is unlikely that anyone will be paying attention to you.

look for cops

look out for vehicles that say loss prevention or security. while cops and security do not require aborting the mission they are dangerous. police can immediately arrest you if they are on scene. if they are not they are likely to take 10–15 minutes to get there if they are called. loss prevention and security are unlikely to try to catch you physically. they will try to get you to come with them into a back room and sign a confession saying that you shoplifted and will not sue them. be careful because sometimes there are hidden cops or loss prevention and security behind a door by the exit. this requires some research and local knowledge to avoid.

avoid cameras

avoid surveillance cameras when approaching the store on foot or bicycle but especially by car. never let cameras in the area see your license plate or other vehicle characteristics such as your bicycle. walking or bicycling is ideal because license plates are giant identification cards.

do not bring any identifying information with you

leave items such as a purse, identification card, or cellular phone at home. if you must bring one of these things be sure to keep them in a zipped pocket. if you accidentally leave them at the scene you are going to have a difficult time. bring enough cash to cover some of what you might buy if you can. this gives some plausible deniability if you are caught because you just forgot to pay or were distracted or didn’t know where the checkout was.

find a good escape route

make sure you have a place to run if needed. the woods are the best option. unless you are dealing with actual police officers you have no obligation to stop or talk to security and it is unlikely they will chase you. remember to check the laws where you live and the store policy. have backup clothes that you can change into if you need to escape.

while you’re in the store

act natural and pay attention

most employees and other shoppers are focused on their own tasks and are not paying attention to you even though it might feel like everyone can read your mind. experienced loss prevention employees look for suspicious behavior such as scanning the ceiling for cameras; avoiding employees; nervously handling or palming items; returning to the same area multiple times; carrying a large backpack or purse in the front of a cart; quickly selecting items without attention to price. try to look like a typical shopper examining labels and prices and the total amount.

do not spend too much time looking at employees or entryways or exits or security. this will get the attention of anyone watching you either in person or on camera. you must do these things in a very subtle way. you must spend most of your time shopping except for a few seconds here and there getting the required visual information. learn to look at things by moving only your eyes without moving your head to make your observations less obvious. do not look at overhead cameras but check them with your eyes without moving your head from a distance.

as you are shopping around the store examine the entryways and exits. do this in a natural way by looking at an item that is facing the entryway or exit or walking past in a casual way. see if there are entryways that people are using as exits. make sure these doors open when they are approached from the exit side. what you want is a way out that has almost no employees and the employees that are around are not paying attention. watch out for hostile design where you must walk through the checkout or past a security guard to exit. this is intentional and indicates that the store takes security seriously.

while you are shopping keep an eye out for security guards and loss prevention. do this in a natural way by looking at items in various directions. be natural and take your time. most often security and loss prevention are near the main exit. in some stores they walk around. if they are well positioned and you do not feel comfortable you should consider aborting.

many stores have employees that double as loss prevention agents. subtly observe the behavior of employees as you examine the items you intend to get. are they paying attention to you or zoning out? are they positioned in places near expensive items and exits or walking around stocking empty shelves? are they overly friendly and helpful or ignoring you? high levels of attention; aggressiveness; strategic positioning; attempting to talk to you indicate they are paying attention to you. try another method such as bagging or concealment or another store to be safe.

choose the right method for the situation

shopping normally and then walking out without paying is usually the best method as long as security is minimal and the exits are clear of security and employees. this is hard for them to detect because you look like a normal shopper both before and after the few seconds it takes to walk out the door. there’s a chance no one will even notice. if someone notices you it’s usually too late for them to respond and they are unlikely to chase you.

if you plan on openly walking out begin by grabbing one or more of the following shopping cart; baskets; plastic or reusable grocery bags. each method has its appropriate time and place. consider finding a receipt in the trash before you enter to flash in someone’s face if you are asked by security or an employee.

a shopping cart is the best option if you want a lot of stuff. just use the shopping cart like you normally would but you will end up walking out with it. the only thing abnormal is that you didn’t come from the checkout and the items are not bagged. both of those things can be fixed by bringing your own plastic or reusable bags from that store and walking past the checkout if there is a clear lane. don’t fuss with the bags too much just bag a couple things and put them on top so it looks like the cart has bagged food. don’t go through the checkout lanes unless you’re sure you can get through without anyone noticing. it is possible to exit without going near the checkout. using a basket is similar if you don’t want as much stuff and if the exits have inattentive employees milling about.

reusable bags and grocery bags from the store are good if there is the chance that security or employees near the door might be looking. just shop directly into the bag or put the bag at the bottom of a basket or shopping cart. while you are shopping put the items into the bag at the bottom of the cart or basket rather than the cart or basket itself. just pick up the bags out of the basket or cart in an appropriately safe place near the exit and leave the basket or cart behind.

full concealment into pockets or purse or a backpack can be okay when you want only a few things and are sure you can do it quickly and without being seen. try to find a blind spot where there are no cameras, such as aisles with bulky items. move slowly and calmly when concealing the item, the same way you might reach into a pocket or bag for your phone or wallet. wait to conceal until you are ready to leave so any security or employee does not have enough time to see you and call the cops.

have an exit plan

think carefully about who will see you when you exit and what is the best direction of approach. you want few people to see you so use any obstacles that would shield you from vision as you approach the exit if you can. make sure to scope out the exit a few seconds before you go to make sure nobody is there and paying attention. do this subtly like you are still shopping. you can always abandon at the last minute if things do not look good but often if you wait employees will leave the area. sometimes employees are paying attention but a customer will come up and distract them. frequently it seems like people are waiting for you or they know what you’re up to but if you just wait and keep shopping they leave and you realize nobody is paying attention. patience often pays off. until you leave the store they can do nothing to you so you can take as much time as you need. sometimes they are actually paying attention so be careful.

remind yourself of how you will get away if security tries to stop you and calls the cops. remind yourself that you will not stop for them. remind yourself that you will not go to your car or bicycle or other vehicle immediately if you are being chased or followed by security. decide now whether you will drop the cart or basket or bags if they bother you. its best to drop them inside the store if you are bothered. double check that you have not left any personal items in the cart or basket or bags.

be busy as you leave. seem mildly irritated and distracted but do not make a scene. this is what normal customers are like. do not pay attention to anyone except to not run into them. absolutely do not stop for anyone or talk to anyone.

after you’ve left

walk calmly away from the store. if you have a vehicle such as a car or a bike. walk toward it and when you are almost there check to make sure no one is following you. if someone is following you do not want to lead them to your vehicle. if the coast is clear, quickly but calmly pack your things into your backpack or vehicle and leave the area, making sure to avoid cameras.

as you are exiting if security or an employee asks you for a receipt simply hold up the receipt from the trash in your hand as you continue to walk out but do not stop. like other customers you are busy and receipt checking is annoying. if they continue to bother you just keep briskly walking until you are out of view of any cameras then run to a safe spot. it is very unlikely that they will try to physically apprehend or chase you. if they do, never get into a physical altercation with them. leave the cart or basket or bags. do not go to your car or bicycle or vehicle. find a place that is in the woods or off main roads into side streets.

if the cops are called you will likely have 10 to 15 minutes to get away. once you are surely away from cameras and in a somewhat safe spot change clothes including removing the mask and hat if you need to. you will no longer fit the description. people have been caught because they change clothes in front of cameras. after changing clothes or if you do not have a change of clothes walk calmly but briskly away from the area off the main roads. you are now just a normal person walking home. or if you can pull it off pretend to be a jogger to move a bit faster. don’t sprint and look around as if someone is chasing you.

if a cop stops and questions you at this point tell them you are busy and need to go and have nothing to say. you do not have to answer any questions about where you are going, where you are traveling from, what you are doing, or where you live. some states require you to give your name to an officer at this point, but many do not, and even when you must give your name you often don’t need to give them your id. check the laws carefully beforehand. have a friend retrieve your car or bicycle before the store closes.

if you are caught

if a loss prevention employee tries to stop you there is no need to answer their questions or comply with their commands. they might flash a badge and pretend to be a cop. as long as they are not and as long as they are not getting physical you can ignore them. if you are caught by a cop do not try to escape. ask if you are being detained. if they say “yes” then say “I will not say anything without my lawyer present” and say absolutely nothing else except for your name when they ask for it if required by the local law in your area. keep in mind that the police and especially store employees will often lie and say threatening things to scare you into talking, but this will only make it impossible to prosecute you as they are violating the law. as long as you invoke your right to remain silent and say nothing else, the burden of proof is completely on the store employees and the police. this is often very difficult for them.

the store may ask you to sign a confession or an agreement to never enter the store again. never sign anything, especially if they threaten you with arrest or jail. those threats invalidate their attempt to get your confession because it violates the fifth amendment. the cops and security and employees will try to trick you into talking or signing things but absolutely under no circumstances say anything to them or sign anything or let them search you. if they ask to search you say no. if they search you anyway say that you do not consent to a search.

it cannot be emphasized enough that you say nothing to police or security or any other employee if you are caught except that you are invoking your right to remain silent and won’t say anything until you see your lawyer. do not underestimate their ability to trick you, they are very experienced at pressuring people to talk. do not consent to a search under any circumstances. if you say nothing and sign nothing and do not consent to search it will be very difficult for them to prosecute you, and they may even drop it entirely.


when you get to where you are able to prepare meals make something great. celebrate the food or the great escape. if they busted you keep your mouth shut and say nothing except the required information for booking such as your name. ask for a lawyer and repeat that you are remaining silent as needed. do not talk to anybody except your lawyer including family; friends; other inmates; prison guards. only talk to your lawyer in private.

we hope this document is both an inspiration and useful. kleptitarianism is just one way to fight back. the same arguments presented here apply to all things that can be bought.

be a kleptitarian. read steal this book and the outlaw’s bible. don’t get caught.

recommended reading

E.X. Boozhie (1985) — “The Outlaw’s Bible: How to Evade the System Using Constitutional Strategy.” Port Townsend, Washington: Loompanics Unlimited. Available on pdfdrive.com

Abbie Hoffman (1971) — “Steal This Book”. New York, Pirate Editions, Distributed by Grove Press. Available at: http://tenant.net/Community/steal/steal.html

Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2022) — “Environmental Impacts of Food Production”. Published online at OurWorldInData.org. Retrieved from: ‘https://ourworldindata.org/environmental- impacts-of-food’

Inside Front (2000) — “Veganism.” Published online at Crimethinc.com: https://crimethinc.com/2000/09/11/veganism