#title Argentine Libertarian Federation
#author Argentine Libertarian Federation
#LISTtitle Argentine Libertarian Federation
#SORTauthors Argentine Libertarian Federation
#SORTtopics IAF, Argentina
#date 2006
#source Retrieved on 2020-04-02 from [[http://www.i-f-a.org.gridhosted.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/anarkiista_debato.pdf][www.i-f-a.org]]
#lang en
#pubdate 2020-04-03T07:15:28
The anarchists do not wait for a theoretical maturity of the times or for
a certain evolution before acting, because they know that action is in
itself what better ripens both evolution and times.
From the newspaper La Pampa Libre, 1930.
FLA has member groups in Rosario,
Trenque Lauquen, La Pampa, San
Pedro, Chaco y Corrientes. In the
federal capital (Buenos Aires) it has a
local of its own where there are
foundational and member groups. This
is also open for other groups which
might request it for talks, lectures,
different activities and meetings.
There is a bookshop that makes
donations of materials for libraries and
different anarchist groups, as well as
selling it at a low price to spread our
ideas and help cover the costs of
running the local.
There is a library which is open three
times a week for consultations and with
comrades available to help the
In the archive and in the magazines
library we don’t only keep and classify
the materials, but we also guide the
The magazine “El libertario” [The
libertarian] is published every three
months and is open to contributions
from the comrades who want to take
part in it.
We also publish books (money
allowing) through the Reconstruir [Re-build] editorial. The last book such
published was the "Catálogo de
publicaciones españolas 1890-1939"
[Catalogue of spanish publications
1890-1939]. We also take part in
Utopia], a publishing house which
brings together comrades from different
We also do work with the kids in our
neighbourhood: after school club, help
with their studies, playground and
dinner-tea club.
There’s recently been a comrade in the
UK, as a delegate, taking part in the
activities of the British Anarchist
Federation. Out of this a successful
Argentina Solidarity Night resulted, as
well as other speaks and lectures.
From the 9th of July onwards we will
hold, every Saturday, at the FLA local
the First Encounter of Theatre for
On the 23rd of July a group of comrades
took part in the Homage to the Spanish
Revolution in Rosario.
Also the FLA took part in the Anarchist
Meeting of Rosario with about 20 to 30
comrades, which represented IFA as
Brotherly greetings.
Salud y anarquia.
Federación Libertaria Argentina
You can contact FLA at the following addresses:
Brasil 1551, Buenos Aires
or check www.libertario.org.ar