#title Chaos just around the corner #author Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Theofilos Mavropoulos #SORTauthors Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Theofilos Mavropoulos #SORTtopics Greece, solidarity, repression, Italy, CCF, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire #date July 9, 2012 #source <[[https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=10293][actforfree.nostate.net/?p=10293]]>. Retrieved on 09/06/2024 from [[https://lib.anarhija.net/library/conspiracy-of-cells-of-fire-theofilos-mavropoulos-chaos-just-around-the-corner][lib.anarhija.net]]. #lang en #pubdate 2024-06-09T20:22:49.712Z (Italy, Mexico, Greece) On Wednesday, June 13th, the international anti-anarchist campaign under the name ‘operation boldness’ was set up. The Italian antiterrorism forces of ROS and carabiniers were put under the command of the Inquisitor-prosecutor of Perugia Manuela Comodi, and proceeded to arrest eight anarchist comrades. In parallel, investigations are conducted against other comrades as well (among them are the comrades of Edizioni Cerbero). We neither know the details of the case, nor are we lawyers to speak the language of documentary evidence or not. All we know is that the world’s police want to strike down the new anarchy. Judges, prosecutors, interrogators and antiterrorism cops want to kneel down and chain in handcuffs the indomitable insurgents that illuminate the nights with their rebellions and paint the cities with the colours of a lasting anarchist insurrection. However, all we anarchists of praxis, nihilists, chaotics, and antisocialists have definitively crossed the point where any return to the peace of normality is no longer feasible. The new anarchy looks like the tidal outburst overwhelming countries, borders and languages. Comrades that we haven’t ever met with each other, who do not speak the same language, and thousands of miles, barbed wires and prison walls separate us, are laughing and fall into melancholy with our shared joys and sorrows, and our anarchy burns like the light of one thousand suns that erupt in the frosty night of the crowd. The world’s police want to strike down this very international rebellion. It is no coincidence that, shortly before the ‘operation boldness’, antiterrorist forces in Bolivia proceeded to arrest people in relation to FAI-Bolivia attacks. It is by no coincidence that the ‘operation boldness’, apart from affecting the eight anarchist comrades in Italy, expanded to Germany and Switzerland, setting its sights on the already imprisoned comrades Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Marco Camenisch. These alchemies of cops were carried out at the precise moment that our two comrades are on the verge of release after 18 and 21 years in prison, respectively. But the performance of the prosecutorial marionette M.Comodi does not stop here. With the ‘operation boldness’ six of us, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades, are under judicial investigation due to the correspondence we had with some of the arrested comrades. Naturally, the wire-pullers of the Greek terror unit did not miss the opportunity to talk about their supposed contribution to the ‘operation boldness’ by alleged information collected from monitoring e-mails between us. Of course, their Italian colleagues never gave a confirmation of that, since the alleged information via e-mails (included in the Italian case file) was translations of political texts that have been published in the anarchist counter-information networks Culmine and ParoleArmate. But, in order not to leave even one inch of suspicion of legalistic ‘excuses’, we make it clear that: Regardless of the judicial inquiry, we declare that we support all FAI-IRF insurrectionist violent actions with all our rage and heart. We are wholeheartedly endorsing every word from FAI and carry it within us, seeking ways to make it into praxis from our own hands. FAI-IRF was, is and will be the essence of the lasting anarchist insurrection. We support, promote and participate in the informal anarchist federation–international revolutionary front (FAI-IRF). However, the enemy’s propaganda and military-police operations, such as the ‘operation boldness’, in addition to arrests, are aimed at constructing a climate of fear. They wish to convey the fear of prison and the image of the all-powerful police, so as to suspend the new anarchy’s warfares against the system. What’s important to us right now is to fight fear. It is our own way to go first on the counter-attack. “This means to sink the knife further into the heart of the enemy, without fear of the consequences that this entails, with the fury and iconoclastic joy that we always carry with us, in our smiles and in our eyes” (Tomo – Brother Comrade under judicial investigation in the context of the ‘operation boldness’) We don’t look back, we fix our eyes only straight ahead…
Let those who got afraid, or tired, descend now from the train. There is no return ticket. Neither Delay, nor stopovers… We are clenching our hands into fists and walk against our era, having our comrades as brothers and sisters. “Enough, enough, enough! As the poet transforms his lyre into a dagger! As the philosopher transforms his probe into a bomb! (…) It is time, it is time — it is time! And society will fall. The fatherland will fall. The family will fall. All will fall after the Free Man is born” —Renzo Novatore FREEDOM for the ANARCHIST COMRADES Giuseppe, Stefano, Elisa, Alessandro, Sergio, Katia, Paola, Giulia
SOLIDARITY and STRENGTH to our brothers Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Marco Camenisch
LONG LIVE THE FAI-IRF — LONG LIVE THE FIRE of NEW ANARCHY The imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF of the first phase — FAI-IRF — And anarchist of praxis Theofilos Mavropoulos
PS. At the time of writing these words, bad news reached our ears. In Mexico, the anarchist comrade Mario López was wounded when an incendiary device he was carrying went off. Mario López was arrested, while prosecution has been exercised against his companion Felicity Ryder. Our brother Mario López, in the public letter he released from the hospital where he is being treated, claimed responsibility for transporting this incendiary device, stating that as anarchist he is at constant war with the State and Power. We hear his voice… A steady, happy, angry voice… We nihilists, who bear the fire in the icy solitude of the crowd, are the anarchoindividualists that kill the silence of the mute mass; we are the chaotic anarchists of praxis that have the stars in our eyes and hearts. The five arrows of the symbol of the FAI and the Conspiracy show the point where everything becomes real. The point of a lasting anarchist insurrection…
“Never defeated, never repentant!” — —Tortuga