Title: What is fascism and why does this type of political regime matсh with the one established in Russia?
Author: Dmitry Mrachnik
Topics: Fascism, Russia
Date: 4 March 2022
Source: Retrieved on 14th March 2022 from www.nihilist.li

A brief theoretical explanation of the main characteristics of fascist regimes, ideologies and movements:

  • Authoritarianism and elitism as the ideals of the political organization of society and methods of management, decision-making within the movement.

  • Nativism as a preference in the rights of people determined by ethnic origin, “anthropological” type, etc., the opposition between “our” people and the “other” – ethno-nationalism, racism, xenophobia.

  • Populism as a way of providing simple and attractive answers to complex social issues, political demagoguery, manipulation of facts and myths, and other ways of proving one’s point and moral authority.

  • Anti-liberalism/anti-communism/anti-feminism and other types of self-presentation through the opposition of other political trends, movements, ideologies or groups.

  • Radicalism as a way of political struggle, allowing to carry out activities without the mediation of public institutions where it is required by law.

  • Extremism as a way to achieve the desired results through extreme forms of conflict resolution – violence, etc.

This list is not exhaustive, yet it helps to easily identify typical fascist regimes, ideologies, or movements.