Dyer D. Lum



I. Something exists.

  1. This does not admit of doubt.

  2. We can have no idea of nothing.

II. Something always has existed,

  1. Else there could be no existence.

  2. Nothing could not create something.

III. Something always will exist.

  1. Matter is indestructible,

  2. Hence, eternal.

IV. Something is a substance.

  1. Substance is a body or thing,

  2. Else a thing is not a thing.

  3. A thing is matter, material.

  4. Substance is matter.

V. Matter is ever thing; every thing is matter.

  1. See Axiom IV. § 2.

  2. All that exists is matter.

  3. Whatever exists, has size, location, form and weight.

  4. These are the property of matter only.

VI. All that is not matter, is nothing.

  1. What is not some thing, is no thing.

  2. See Axiom IV. § 3, 4.

VII. There is no “spirit.”

  1. “Spirit” is immateriality.

  2. Immateriality is nothing. See Axiom VI.

VIII. “God” is material—matter.

  1. “God” is something or nothing.

  2. If something—material.

  3. If immaterial—nothing.

  4. See Axiom V. § 3, 4

IX. And subject to matter.

  1. Whatever is material is formed of matter and governed by natural laws.

  2. Consequently, me is a natural prediction.

X. Matter is supreme.

  1. The inevitable conclusion of the preceding Axiom.

  2. If capable of producing the governing power, she is capable of producing whatever exists,

  3. And vice-versa.

XI. There is no “God.”

  1. For matter is supreme. X.

  2. Because there is no “spirit.” VII.

  3. In consequence of every thing being material and subject to matter. V. IX.

  4. Because there is no occasion for any.

  5. Because he cannot be matter. IV. VI.

  6. Therefore he must be a non-entity.

  7. Nothing cannot be a cause. II. § 2.

  8. We cannot believe what is inconceivable.

Retrieved on 7th May 2023 from www.libertarian-labyrinth.org
Published in The Boston Investigator 30, no. 31 (November 21, 1860): 242.