Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria

Resolution of the National Congress of the Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria (FAB)

May 19–20, 1990 in Kasanlak


After 45 years of dictatorship FAB is still alive. The physical and moral elimination of freedom loving forces is not possible.

Our last aim remains the same: the erection of a free society without State and an economy without exploitation. Our basic principles remain unchanged: Freedom, Justice and Morality, Mutual aid, we see as the basic nature and principle of society.

We are anarchists because we are convinced that power and trying to get power leads to corruption.

We are socialists because we stand for freedom, equality, and justice.

We are for a priority of cooperative property because it prevents exploitation and realizes technical progress in the interest of the collective without exploitation.

We will propagate our ideas by legal and peaceful means. We reject violence in all its forms and directions. We distance ourselves absolutely from terrorism and we condemn any attempt that presupposes terrorism.

In our approaches to the situation we give an account of the conditions of today. We are clear about the fact that a direct fight for reaching our aims is not possible without a fight for a more democratic society. The hard way to freedom has to begin step by step until its end. Because of this reason, we cooperate with all movements whose aim is bigger freedom and the elevation of material wealth.

According to our actual fight for a decentralisation of our society and the end of the economic and political crises, we engage in:

The creation of a bourgeois society in which freedom will be granted by real control of the citizens and not only by the constitution.

For real freedom of the spoken and printed word.

For the abolition of the death sentence, torture and other cruelties.

For free reunion of forces of society in organisations, movements, clubs, parties, etc. We prefer the principle of federation within organisation.

For the right of legal fight of the working people including the right of strike and against the rejection of material and intellectual interests.

For handing over property and land to the communes and to guarantee the right of the inhabitants to self-manage the forms of economy but without selling and commerce.

For introducing a system of taxes which restricts State property and promotes coop-erative and private property as far as it excludes the possibility of exploitation.

For a social politics which hinders pauperisation, for a permanent just regulation of the family income, for free medical care and free learning (education?)

For the confiscation of all the collected riches of certain persons or organisations above a certain limit which should be fixed justly. This property should be invested in funds useful for society.

For a maximum shortening of the bureaucratic apparatus.

As a countermeasure against unemployment there must be introduced a shorter working day.

For the sentencing within the legal framework for those who have done moral or physical crimes and those who are intellectual leaders behind these crimes. However as one of the organisations who was first and foremost hit by the repression we are against revenge. Compensation for the victims must come out of the assets of the Bulgarian Communist Party and the MVR.

For the reduction of the army and the time of service with the perspective of the total dissolving within the frame of Europe.

Against religious and racist discrimination.

For a scientific education which is free from the influence of parties, classes, reli-gions, and politics.

For a true and just ecological politics based on the realizations of modern science.

The conference has chosen the following organs:

Retrieved on 13th January 2021 from www.anarkismo.net
“Anarchy: A journal of desire armed” No 26, Autumn 1990