#title Responsability claim for arson attacks in Kifissia Athens. #author Fires on the Horizon (FAI) #SORTtopics Greece, direct action, individualism, Act for Freedom Now!, FAI, Informal Anarchist Federation #date May 6, 2012 #source <[[https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=9234][actforfree.nostate.net/?p=9234]]>. Retrieved on 03/07/2024 from [[https://lib.anarhija.net/library/fires-on-the-horizon-fai-responsability-claim-for-arson-attacks-in-kifissia-athens][lib.anarhija.net]]. #lang en #pubdate 2024-07-04T19:50:02.330Z As an objective of force, the policy is practised having before its eyes a possibility of exacerbation and violence. Behind the policy hovers the image of violence and war, precisely behind all limited violence hovers the image of blind violence. The beginning of intelligence means the end of blind aggressiveness, that is to say the intellect is imposed on the instincts that require their direct discharge into violence, it channels them according to their aims and it puts in action more drastic means to exercise violence. As soon as this is realised violence enters the service of the objective of force. The combinational of force presents much more nuances than the coarse-cut mechanics of violence, allows numerous variants and exits and mainly next to the fight between enemies it creates the GAME BETWEEN FRIENDS, which makes the strong one capable to cause assertions against the more powerful. *** Hunger strikes and the prospect of a fighting community within the walls. Last month 2 separate hunger strikes were carried out by anarchist prisoners, where one of them did not succeed and the other one won. Some of the comrades who went on hunger strike had put a very strong target to achieve. The creation of a fighting circle, which aim at the search of common fields of definition between prisoners. A circle which will connect with the outside the walls incidents breaking the isolation, giving images of revolts with fires from the streets of the city to the rooftops of the hellholes. Despite all this such a prospect with the current facts seems far away. The split which emerges within the walls, only contributes to the shredding of the fighting circle and the internalization of a partition. To show demands that have such a common axis competitively reduces rather than accentuates our common struggle. The cohesion of the fighting base is a one-way road for the creation of a collective. More specifically, if the anarchist hostages carried out the hunger strike under a common prism, they would have given the chance to more prisoners to stand by them in solidarity with various actions, but the hunger strike instead of getting stronger with time was weakened resulting in the ending of one. As well the acceptance of defeat is an action that is honest but the hunger strike is the last weapon in the prisoners struggle and a use of it that will bring an unexpected interruption and defeat, weakens its power. Simply… ENEMIES “Knock it back, to the Queen whose buttocks cascade in folds! Listen to the working of stupid tearing hiccups! Listen to them leaping in the fiery night The panting idiots, the aged, the nonentities, the lackeys! Syphilitics, madmen, kings, puppets, ventriloquists, What can you matter to Paris the whore, Your souls or your bodies, your poisons or your rags? She’ll shake you off, you pox-rotten snarlers! And when you are down, whimpering on your bellies, Your sides wrung, clamouring for your money back, distracted, The red harlot with her breasts swelling with battles Will clench her hard fists, far removed from your stupor!” A.Rimbaud On Saturday 28/4 we attacked a block in the area of Kifissia burning the parked cars of Levitou street, luxurious and not. It was a move in solidarity to the hunger strikes carried out by the imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire and Anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos demanding the final transfer of guerrillas G.Tsakalos and P.Argirou to Koridalos as well as the easing of the vengeful transfers. (something they achieved with persistence). This action has a clear aim and target to hurt the calmness of the rich suburbs of the capital. It was a first approach to the well-fed of Kifisia reminding them that their parasitical life will get the punishment it deserves. We notify them that nothing will insure them from our morbid imagination, no matter how many outposts they build, how many courtier bouncers they hire. They will always be exposed to our aggressive appetites. Their prosperity is gained by the exploitation of others and they will pay for this decision sooner or later. No matter how much they might be cut off from the miserable and enclaved like a prison urban landscape, no matter how far they have gone the inhumane Athens, the distance remains small compared to the stubbornness of revenge. Thus at some point while they will be drinking their coffee with their vulgar snobbish look, they will receive a visit from many of us, and with the smile of a donator we will return the perversion they gave to us with a bullet in the forehead. *** Social Responsibilities and the ineffectual of the monothematic Class Approach Capitalistic societies are based on inequality and this is what they owe their existence to. A ride with the train would be enough for anyone to understand the massive social contradictions. The contradictory coexistence of wealth and poverty, dozing certainty and stressful survival. An exhaustive hierarchy maintained by ignorance, fear, stupidity and oppression. For the perpetual accumulation of the wealth to the few however many are to blame who let it go out of their hands without a battle and we cannot sacrifice the immaturity to the altar of coquetry. Every person who considers themselves as weak is charged with their submission. We do not synchronize with the endurance and tolerance in exploitation, whether personal or of others, but with every way we will pursuit its expulsion from the behaviours of people in the relations created without humanisms. Therefore we recognize our attack as an act with class characteristics but not with a class character. It is obvious who we turn our aggressiveness to, what kind of people. But despite all this we are not representatives of a class total neither are we messengers of a class conscience. We do not mediate for anyone just like we do not want a mediator. We are individualists since what we say write and do are not hiding behind them a divine will and we are not armed by a global secret conscience, but our passion for freedom. To believe that deep in the desires of every oppressed existence there is common destination are stupid thoughts which idealize the situations, ignoring the difficulties of the liberating struggle. Whoever recognizes the anarchist revolution as a deductive procedure and a will from the skies which will be planted in the heads of the people because of poverty is condemned to never attribute what they dream. This is why we realize the collectivisations of people which are based on their common class characteristics as clouds which even if they rain they will always hide the sun. A unification of people who belong to the same economic and social layer, under a predetermined revolutionary future is a hasty deposition of hope. The class and economic situation is not a womb of revolution, but one more possibility, a faze just like many others which will present themselves on your path and will make you deny your life and that of those around you, as it is. The material lacks, the squalid economic situation, the 8hour shift are violent and annihilating conditions which push to a reaction. However the continuous invocations to the workers-proletarians and their elevation to a revolutionary force is a theoretical analyses and a propagating targeting which failed in the past and will fail in the future since it limits the reasoning approach for the revolution in the narrow limits of the economic need. Every insurrectional attempt of the revolted based solely on the material poverty of the masses can create an economic system with a fairer distribution of production (for as long as it lasts), but it will not destroy the hierarchy of people, the alienation, the tyranny of the specialists and the smarter, since we would not have revolted for the abolishment of impositions on our lives. Our attacks are connected with the global network of guerrilla attempts of the Informal Anarchist Federation. Finally concerning the upcoming elections with the conscious absence and the factual juxtaposition with the regime we go against every authority and those who tolerate it. In the maze of democracy and the confusion of the voters we produce explosions spreading our chaos “-Society, and everything, is restored: – the orgies Are weeping with dry sobs in the old brothels: And on the reddened walls, the gaslights in frenzy, Flare balefully upwards to the wan blue skies!” Informal Anarchist Federation- Fires on the Horizon