Francisco Ferrer
Will there be blood?
Yes, a lot
It is not that we desire a bloody revolution. We have given enough proof of our love for humanity to make us believe ourselves to be bloodthirsty.
The publication that honors us by printing our simple writings came to the press arena precisely to study the main issue of the general strike, more than in the spirit of war, with the aim of finding an effective solution to the tremendous social conflict, which makes the life of most people an existence full of suffering and deprivation.
We will publish doctrinal and tactical articles and pamphlets, as many as are necessary so that the workers and other disinherited people can learn about their strength and power. We are not impatient, nor should we be. We know very well that our journey will be long, but we do not doubt that by working methodically, at the end of it, abundant fruit will be found.
As Cruz’s advice elsewhere in this issue, as well as that of his other comrades, will not be ignored; it is certain, absolutely certain, that a day will come when the proletariat will be sufficiently organized to give the bourgeoisie a chance to live, and then the greatest phenomenon that history has ever mentioned will occur.
The hoarders of wealth: owners, manufacturers, bankers, etc., etc., and their supporters: soldiers, priests, judges, police, etc., etc., instead of being reasonable by entering into compromises and being intelligent by trying to help change the exploitative regime to one of fraternity and solidarity, will want to resist, shielded behind the breasts of the civil guard and soldiers who have not been contaminated by our propaganda, and then, naturally, the reprisals will be terrible.
Like unleashed furies, as if thousands of victims, dying of hunger or murdered by all the injustices of the government, suddenly emerged from their graves, eager for fierce revenge, the popular masses will throw themselves like a devastating torrent upon all the obstacles that oppose their supreme claim, and then blood will flow and spill everywhere...
What lamentations! What belated imprecations!
The triumphant Revolution will continue on its way serenely, firmly and without flinching, perhaps without regretting the blood shed, its mind fixed on the new era of peace and justice that with the last baptism of human blood will be established for the first time, giving rise to a society truly worth living in.