Born in 2013, WARZONE DISTRO free zine project, stands at the intersection of nihilist, anti-civilization anarchy, and total liberation, bridging gaps between veganism, straight edge, and insurrectionary thought. WARZONE DISTRO is dedicated to challenging the very foundations of oppression, wherever it festers, and in whatever form.
In our interview below, we delve into the radical philosophy driving WARZONE DISTRO, exploring how they blend anarchist and vegan ideals to craft a vision of true total liberation. We talk about the unique challenges they face in a world where even within anarchist circles, ideas like veganism and straight edge are sometimes sidelined, and how they navigate these contradictions with a relentless spirit.
We also uncover the rich intersections between human, earth, and animal liberation—showing how these struggles are not only connected but are in fact inseparable in the fight against the colonial and industrial systems of domination.
Dive into the full interview below.
IDIOTEQ: Many people use terms like “anarchy” and “total liberation” in various ways, leading to misunderstandings. Similarly, the term “fascism” is often interpreted differently by different groups. How do you define anarchy and total liberation in the context of your work and activities? How do you navigate these differing interpretations?
Warzone Distro: Well, the way I (as well as close accomplices of Warzone Distro) see it, the term “anarchy” and “total liberation” are one and the same. I believe that once upon a time in the not too distant past the use of “total liberation” was necessary in order to push the concept of anarchy beyond its anthropocentric limitations. While anarchism is widely perceived as having its roots in working class struggle, it would be dishonest at best to disregard the ways in which the earth and non-human animal beings have also actively opposed oppression – in particular, the colonizing domestication that aided the development of industrial society. With every forest that is destroyed to build highways and human-centric infrastructure, the wild resists this imposing authority to the death.
In terms of “fascism”, there are many people who use this term in many ways, and with different intent. For example, for those who would accuse anti-civ anarchists of being fascist, I would ask them how industrial society itself doesn’t embody the tenants of a fascist worldview – a worldview in which humans are granted full supremacy over all other beings. Just as the social construction of “white”, was “human” not also manufactured for the purpose of creating hierarchical division?
Total liberation necessarily includes a critique of fascism, but also pushes that critique beyond its own anthropocentric limitations.
IDIOTEQ:Your commitment to veganism is a cornerstone of your philosophy. How did your interest in veganism start, and how has it influenced your approach to anarchism and total liberation?
Warzone Distro: Personally, I was a very vague anti-capitalist and anti-statist prior to being vegan. But I became a vegan activist before I was active with anarchy. This experience allowed me to see both the limitations of liberal veganism, as well as the surprisingly large non-vegan, anthropocentrism in the anarchist circles that I associated with. I began Warzone Distro with the purpose of providing free reading material that bridged veganism and anarchy. Since this was not very common where I was, I felt like it was especially necessary and important. I was also able to see the hostility that existed between liberal vegans and anti-vegan anarchists and to be honest, I found it fucking absurd haha. Here are two movements who are both passionate against the imprisonment and domination of life, but somehow could not meet halfway due to what I felt was a misunderstanding of capitalism and the state. So advocating total liberation became my primary focus online and in the streets.
IDIOTEQ:Given the holistic nature of total liberation, what strategies and themes do you explore in your zines related to veganism and straight edge? How do these align with your broader political philosophy?
Warzone Distro: At one point, what I was most interested in was veganism and straight edge from marginalized perspectives. As a queer of color, I found it frustrating to hear activists on all sides ranting about how “veganism is a white boycott diet” or how straight edge was for macho tough guys. Much of this shit was online, but sometimes it even spilled into local shows or events. I also came to realize right away that many people who claimed to be speaking in solidarity with marginalized voices only supported marginalized voices who they agreed with. The moment I began discussing veganism or straight edge, my “marginalized voice” status was revoked haha. So I took it upon myself to connect with other vegan and straight edge anarchists of color and share their stories in these zines. Everything from Indigenous vegans (because yes, not all Indigenous people support hunting traditionally or culturally), to black and brown vegan perspectives, and straight edge perspectives from living in poverty and watching drugs destroy friends and families.
In the end, total liberation doesn’t exclusively belong to any one race, gender, or identity marker. Total Liberation is a reclaiming of one's mind and body from the colonial, industrial world that attempts to control and dominate each and every individual.
IDIOTEQ:The intersection of different liberation movements is a complex topic. Can you elaborate on the connections you see between animal liberation, earth liberation, and human liberation? How do these intersections inform your work?
Warzone Distro: The intersections are as vast as the social constructs invented to categorize, stratify, and ultimately control us. Over the years, I have met many different people in these movements, and I am always grateful to listen to their experiences and learn how they arrived at the conclusions they did. It is especially fun speaking with other vegan straight edge green anarchists because there are always underlying commonalities that can be observed in how we got to where we are. But there are also vast differences in experiences as well, which informs me that despite the identity-based categorization we’ve each been assigned, there is no monolith. At the core we are all individuals, unique and powerful. Just as there are intersections in those who we would also consider our enemies (black police officers, Indigenous fascists, and so on). These intersections are a reminder that while mass mobilizations or groups can be powerful, the individual maintains a level of power too – like the individual who helps build the prison. Because without powerful individuals, industrial society, capitalism, the police force, etc, could not exist, let alone function. It is really just a matter of who we are as individuals, and what choices we decide to make with the power we each individually have.
IDIOTEQ: Direct action is often seen as a powerful tool in activism. How do you view the role of direct action in achieving the goals of total liberation? Can you share some examples of successful direct actions that have inspired you?
Warzone Distro: It would be unfair to single out any particular successful (or unsuccessful) direct action as a source of inspiration. I am inspired by them all! Each and every direct action takes a level of courage that the State is designed to discourage. I feel direct action can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. And in my opinion, that is a reflection of how unique each individual is. I feel direct action is more than just powerful – it is the heart of anarchy in motion, with every non-human animal who refuses to be caged, every weed that cracks the foundation of a paved road… direct action is anarchy as a lived experience rather than a mere theory in a book.
IDIOTEQ: Promoting a philosophy as encompassing as total liberation can be challenging. What challenges have you faced in promoting total liberation through your zine, and how have you overcome them?
Warzone Distro: Here on the colonized territory known as “america”, total liberation for many anarchists is mere “purity politics”. We live in a place where fast food is as cheap as the quality, technology is constantly developing more and more distracting gadgets, and direct action is heavily discouraged by an ever-expanding State surveillance. So naturally many anarchists might be anti-racist, anti-fascist, but also anti-vegan, or sometimes just casually non-vegan. Prisoner support events or anarchist music venues are usually loaded with alcohol and drugs, to the point where being non or even anti-straight edge is common. As someone who is vegan, straight edge and a green anarchist, there are struggles within “the struggle” haha.
Overcoming this is complex, but also simple. Since Warzone Distro centers vegan straight edge green anarchist zines, it is also a source for other XVX anarchists to find each other. Whenever we table anarchist bookfairs or events we have an overwhelming response from XVX anarchists who are excited to meet us, and through our presence meet others as well. In this way a small but strong network is formed. Sometimes locally, sometimes globally.
IDIOTEQ: The concept of intersectionality is crucial in understanding the multifaceted nature of oppression. Can you discuss the importance of intersectionality in the total liberation movement? How do you ensure that your work addresses multiple forms of oppression simultaneously?
Warzone Distro: Total liberation without intersectionality can never be a total revolt against authority. At the base of every form of oppression is an authority i. e, patriarchy, white supremacy, anthropocentrism, ableism etc. I (and close accomplices of Warzone Distro) feel that while anarchists should question, critique and see themselves beyond the very identity-based categorization assigned to us all at birth, anarchists shouldn’t disregard the very real ways identity and its relationship to forms of oppression materialize in each of our lives.
IDIOTEQ: Music and art have always been integral to social movements. What role do you believe music and art play in the movement for total liberation? Are there specific artists or bands that have influenced your perspective?
Warzone Distro: 7 Generations, Trial, and Gather were all huge inspirations because they pushed the boundaries of comfort with music, into something that encouraged listeners to challenge their perception of the world. I recently went and saw Earth Crisis and was reminded of how powerful this band really was and still is. I had never seen so many vegan straight edge anarchists of all different backgrounds in the same room, screaming the lyrics with the band. It was truely powerful! It was also a reminder of how music has forever been a powerful tool of resistance, going all the way back to indigenous people who danced and sang before defending to the death their lives when encountered by colonizers. While music can mean anything to anyone, I do believe music with anti-authoritarian messages that inspire an inner wild spirit in people can make a difference between passive anger and taking direct action.
IDIOTEQ: The historical context of anarchism provides valuable lessons for today. How has the historical development of the anarchist movement influenced your approach to total liberation today? Are there particular events or figures that you find especially inspiring?
Warzone Distro: It is hard to say, only because there is unfortunately instances of historical revisionism and suppression of stories that center indigenous, earth, and non-human animal rebellion. I think history can be helpful, but can also be used to craft portrayals of reality that support particular visions of the world, most notably intent toward control and domination. Therefore I am by habit sceptical of historical accounts in general, but gauge them contextually and individually. Instead I place value and emphasis on stories I hear first hand, here and now by listening to the experiences of those I happen to be interacting with. This way I rely less on history and more on present reality in order to inform myself and my theories of the world. With that said, I would be lying if I said I was not influenced or inspired however by historical events. Nearly every historical event that involved a bloody uprising, whether successful or not, has had value in informing my understanding of just how complex the world is. A few inspirational anarchists from the past that come to mind are Renzo Novatore, The Bonnet Gang (which were vegan and straight edge by today's standards by the way!) and Anteo Zamboni.
IDIOTEQ: Looking to the future, how do you see the concept of total liberation evolving? What are the key areas that need more focus and action?
Warzone Distro: Most recently I interviewed some vegan, straight edge nihilist friends in the colonized territories of both so-called chile (specifically the Susaron 4 who are facing charges for arson against a meat factory) and mexico. In both places, more emphasis on individualist, nihilist anarchy is placed in the context of Total Liberation. I see this as an evolution as I see an increase in the total abandonment of leftism, and more an embrace of anti-civ, anti-colonial anarchy. (both of these interviews can be downloaded from the warzone distro website)
I have however encountered the strange phenomenon of Total Liberation being used while excluding veganism. This is frustrating but honestly laughable. It isn’t a common occurrence, but nevertheless confusing. I guess some speciesists think the title “Total Liberation” sounds cool, but aren’t willing to express that total liberation in their own relationships to non-human animals – in particular those few that capitalism designates as “food”.
IDIOTEQ: Balancing immediate action with long-term goals is a delicate task. How do you balance the need for immediate action with the long-term goals of the total liberation movement?
Warzone Distro: Short and simple answer is the incorporation of anarchy into daily life. Direct action being used when it is practical, conversations when more practical, and also importantly, anarchy as fun, and not necessarily a job, a duty or obligation, since obligation typically leads to its own form of rebellion haha
IDIOTEQ: In our magazine, we often collaborate with artists who communicate similar values. Could you share your list of the most interesting and essential vegan straight edge publications from recent years?
Warzone Distro: While not focused on straight edge, I am aware of a book that will be coming out called “Veganarchism: Making Veganism and Anarchism Dangerous Again” put together by Nathan Poirier and Will Boisseau, cover art by a vegan straight edge green anarchist by the name of Baba Yaga. I am very excited about this book! It won’t be published by Warzone Distro but another distro instead. Should be out soon, so keep on the lookout for that!
As far as Baba Yaga, they are a writer and an artist who creates some beautiful visual art that I am hoping to also see come out soon!
IDIOTEQ: Books often provide deep insights into complex ideologies. Which books would you recommend to our readers who want to deepen their understanding of total liberation, anarchism, and related subjects?
Warzone Distro: Off the top of my head I would suggest “Enemies of Society: An Anthology of Individualist & Egoist Thought” as this book discusses topics relevant to total liberation (including a little into the lives of The Bonnet Gang).
IDIOTEQ: Exploring new ideas often leads us to various media outlets. What blogs, online platforms, or other media do you find most valuable for exploring ideas related to total liberation, veganism, and anarchism? Are there any YouTube channels or video series you would recommend?
Warzone Distro: In addition to your website, I would say Unoffensive Amimal, Warrior Up, North American Animal Liberation Press Office, R-209 (vegan anarchy zines all in spanish!).
Warzone Distro also has a youtube channel that is in the process of converting some of our zines into audio videos.
IDIOTEQ: Thank you so much for your time. Is there anything else you would like to add or any message you’d like to send out into the world? Feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Thanks again, and greetings from Warsaw. Take care!
Warzone Distro: Thank you for taking the time to make this interview happen! It’s always great connecting with like-minded people spread out so far away.
To the readers of this interview I say.. always remember, in one small way or another, we each built and continue to maintain this fucked up world – so in one small way or another, we can also burn it down! Be the anarchy you wanna see, and make your wildest dreams come true <3
– Flower Bomb / Warzone Distro