#title Announcement of the Creation of the IRPGF and Membership in the International Freedom Battalion #author International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces #LISTtitle Announcement of the Creation of the IRPGF and Membership in the International Freedom Battalion #SORTauthors International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces #SORTtopics International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces, Syrian civil war, Rojava, armed struggle #date April 1, 2017 #source Retrieved on 2020-04-12 from [[https://twitter.com/IRPGF/status/847852483657383938][twitter.com]] #lang en #pubdate 2020-04-12T13:08:25 Today, the revolution in Rojava is under attack. Like the Paris Commune and at so many other points in history, the revolutionary forces face the leviathan of capitalist hegemony which has come to devour the new world and enslave us all once again. This is our Stalingrad. The revolution must be defended! Therefore, we announce the creation of the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) to defend the revolution in Rojava. The International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) is a militant armed self- organized and horizontal collective working to defend social revolutions around the world, to directly confront capital and the state, and advance the cause of anarchism. We are committed anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists and against all forms of patriarchy and kyriarchy. We announce our membership in the International Freedom Battalion and declare our support and alliance with the YPJ, the YPG, the PKK, the Antifascist International Tabur (AIT) and the International Freedom Battalion’s member organizations. We declare our open struggle with all imperialist, fascist and counterrevolutionary forces.