#title Short Statements on the Anarchist Entente
#author L’en dehors
#date 1928
#source Retrieved on 24th February 2025 from [[https://www.libertarian-labyrinth.org/featured-articles/short-statements-on-the-anarchist-entente-1928-1929/][www.libertarian-labyrinth.org]]
#lang en
#pubdate 2025-02-24T10:16:36
#topics synthesis anarchism, anarchism without adjectives, Libertarian Labyrinth
#notes Working translations by Shawn P. Wilbur.
Not one penny,
Not one line,
Not one listener
For the drudge-work of anarchist discord.
L’en dehors 7 no. 140 (fin Juillet 1928): 4.
The possibility in the anarchist milieu, of association between individualists or communists, for the purposes that please them, according to the contract agree upon, without meddling in the function or nature of other anarchist associations, and without anyone hindering the propaganda in support of these associations: this is what is entailed by THE ANARCHIST ENTENTE.
L’en dehors 7 no. 138–139 (mi-Août 1928): 3.
The freedom, among anarchists, for each tendency of anarchism to assert itself as the circumstances demand without impinging on the determinism of its neighbor: this is what is demanded by THE ANARCHIST ENTENTE.
L’en dehors 7 no. 140 (mi-Août 1928): 4.
Each tendency making its own propaganda, each association functioning as it intends, each journal putting forth its specific claims. No polemics among persons or tendencies. No competition of shops or attempts to corner the market. Neither absorption, nor fusion, nor confusion. To each their place in the sun, their tactics, their advance and pace, their realizations and experience, provided that they do not entail recourse to the State or to governmental sanctions. Peace among us; war to the archists.
That is the anarchist entente.
L’en dehors 7 no. 144–145 (mi-Octobre 1928): 4.
Not bound to march in lockstep, nor necessarily regulate your pace by that of the isolated individual who races in front of you or that of the association that ambles along behind you. To each their own rhythm and affinities; to each according to the terms of the contract to which they have freely consented. Without meddling with the cadence of their neighbor; without interfering with the gait of the group next door; without finding fault with the movements of those who prefer the shoulders to the pavement, the undergrowth to the clearings and vice versa. A clear path for all types of advance: running, rushing, walking, wandering.
That is the spirit of the anarchist entente.
L’en dehors 7 no. 147 (fin Novembre 1928): 4.
The Anarchist Entente undertakes no fool’s errand, no sympathy or affinity links it to those who create bad blood, to those who do not with to subscribe to the conditions for which it is formed.
It owes them nothing and they have nothing to demand of it. It is for peace; they are for internal warfare. It desires that all the forces of anarchy should be employed — each according to its internal logic and its own direction — to tear down the various columns on which the temple of archy rests; they want the energies of anarchism to be exhausted tearing each other apart within the camp. There is neither compromise nor reciprocity possible between the entente and the dissension. They are separated by an impassible gulf.
L’en dehors 7 no. 148–149 (mi-Décembre 1928): 5.
The Anarchist Entente does not signify an abdication. That would be cowardice. It does not imply a renunciation of our doctrinal or ideological sympathies or antipathies. That would be deception. It realizes the anarchist individualist idea of not encroaching on activity, propaganda, expansion, experimentation, association and attempts other than our own — different from our own — even opposed to our own, it being understood what it means TO RETURN THE FAVOR.
L’en dehors 8 no. 155 (mi-Mars 1929): 4.