Title: Long live the struggle of the Peruvian people
Subtitle: Popular Uprising in Peru
Topics: Peru, Uprising
Date: 30 January 2023
Source: Retrieved on 1st February 2023 from federacionanarquistaderosario.blogspot.com
Notes: Translation by wingulls420.

In Peru, a rather strange political situation has taken place: the president dissolves Parliament and Parliament, in turn, displaces the president and places the vice president in his place. This situation, which at first glance may seem like a dispute or a bid for power within the bourgeois liberal framework, has deeper roots and that today we see consolidating in a coup d’état.

The arrival of Pedro Castillo to the government occurred in elections with a very tight margin. His opponent, Keiko Fujimori, denounced fraud, which could not be proven. In the 15 months that Castillo’s term lasted, he could not govern, since the attacks from the Fujimori sector were constant from Parliament, making all his cabinets of ministers resign and with the daily complaints and trials for corruption against Castillo and his family

The Peruvian right has exacerbated this situation of political instability. In previous years, other governments also fell, such as Kuczynski’s in 2016 and Martín Vizcarra in 2020. The Fujimori sector has a strong weight at the parliamentary level. On the other hand, Castillo has lost support even from his party, Peru Libre. And bringing down governments that are not their own is part of the Fujimorist strategy to control political power in the country. What he does not achieve at the polls, he achieves in other ways. A well-known strategy used in several countries in the region in the last decade.

If the situation in Peru teaches anything, it is that power is not in the government or in the institutions elected with “universal suffrage.” Political power resides in other parts of the State, but also in the economic and ideological spheres. The large economic groups in Peru associated with the Fujimori right seek to control even the government, they are not content with being the “real power”. The “anti-communist” discourse in Peru is very strong, as could be seen last season, when Castillo was presented as a “communist” or “terrorist” by the Fujimori sector.

These adjectives are not whimsical, they come from a long campaign initiated by Alan García in the ‘80s and under the fierce Fujimori dictatorship in the ‘90s, where a policy of “dirty war” and genocide of the population linked to the guerrilla experiences and the use of the nickname “terruco” for any person on the left. We still have in our retina the corpses of Néstor Cerpa Cartolini and other members of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement in 1997, after the assault on the Japanese embassy carried out with blood and fire by the murderous army of Fujimori father, to mention an example of that policy. genocidal.

As we can see, Fujimorism is not dead. It is part of the Peruvian political system, builds discourse and achieves adhesion. Endemic corruption at high levels (at least from the time of Fujimori and the “vladivideos” until the Odebrecht scandal that splashed the entire continent). But the problem is not corruption, it is a derivative of the power and social structure of Peru. A society with a great concentration of wealth and power, where the indigenous and mestizo sectors are subordinated, continuing with a deeply racist social structure from the colonial era, among other serious problems faced by the Peruvian people; It is there that the root of the political problems in Peru and the causes of the popular uprising should be sought, and that various regions have declared themselves in “insurgency.”

Today those needs, those demands come to life in the demand for a constituent assembly that elaborates a new Constitution that supplants that of 1993, the Fujimori one. The underlying problem continues to be real power and that is what is beginning to emerge with this popular uprising in Peru. The right continues to control the Political Power in the country or the people build their own force, their Popular Power that disputes in daily life the control of the economy, health, housing, land distribution, resources, that is to say, of social life. There is no other choice: those above or those below. Power of the bourgeoisie and the State or power of the people. The solution does not pass through the bourgeois institutions nor does it lie there.

At the time of writing these lines, there are more than fifty compañeros from the brotherly people of Peru, who died due to police repression. The country has been militarized. Surely days and months of more arduous struggle will come, with more people in the streets and on the roads. The Peruvian people have an immense tradition of fighting and resistance, this conflict situation is far from over. Those above thought that the people were going to stay in their homes, but the people said they were present. He is on the street, in a state of insurgency.

As Anarchists, we support the popular Peruvian struggle against all dictatorships and for the forging of their own destiny for the popular classes of Peru. Today Túpac Amaru, Micaela Bastidas, Néstor Cerpa and all the combatants of that most worthy brother people are present.





Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU)

Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB)

Anarchist Federation of Rosario

Sister organizations:

Anarchist Organization of Tucumán

Anarchist Organization of Córdoba

Santa Cruz Anarchist Organization