
Mapping Our Madness

A workbook for navigating crisis, extreme states, or just foul moods.



      Some suggestions

      The questions




Hey there. This is a workbook zine I made for the purpose of helping folks map, plan and navigate crisis, madness or just foul moods. The idea basically is that this is a toolbox to keep near you, so in the event that you’re in a crisis situation or experiencing some intense emotions, you’ll have some of the tools that you (or the folks around you) need to help you take care of yourself. I know for me in the moment, when I’m experiencing intense emotional states it’s hard forme to think about what I need, much less be able to communicate that to the folks around me. The point of this workbook is to help you make a plan, in case things get real; to help facilitate that communication of needs, and also hopefully prevent those crisis situations from happening in the first place.

I know this format doesn’t work for everyone and realize that maybe notall of the pages in here are relevant to you. I encourage anyone who uses this to alter it in any way that makes sense to them, or in the very least, I hope it inspires them to make something else great for themselves.

Some notes about the motivations for making this workbook: The ways we experience our mental health, the ways we experience ourselves and our realities, are inextricably entangled with the world around us. In other words, it doesn’t make sense for us to divorce ourselves from what surrounds us (the systems that connect us, or pit us against each other: that tell us how to be, or coerce us into submission), to isolate the ways we feel and then label ourselves as “sick.” It’s difficult to understand the ways we experience our mental health without also acknowledging the ways we are affected by the forces of systemic oppression (racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, etc.) that are imposed on us. Put simply, perhaps we are not so “crazy” for being affected by a world that is so fucked up.

It’s important to challenge the idea that these differing experiences are “wrong” and that we are “sick” or “broken” for having them. That we are something that needs correcting and must undergo treatment in order to be “fixed” Rather, these experiences can be seen as gifts. Like superpowers to be held close to our hearts, to understand and to know their limits so that we may use them as tools to liberate ourselves and to build better worlds.

This is an effort in hopes of imagining a world where the different ways our minds and bodies may function are recognized and supported as valid experiences. Where we have the time and the space to look into ourselves and uncover our identities without fear of being dismissed or denied for what we come up with. This is an effort in hopes of supporting a radical re-envisioning of mutual support within our communities.

This zine was made with love by one weirdo who sometimes feels too much, Jor all the great minds she has (and hasn’t) met. For tinkerers and poets, for brains with engines that are prone to over-heating, for those who hear and see what others can’t, for dimly lit and sunken hearts, and for those whose light can become so bright, it’s blinding. You are not alone. This is for you; I made this for you.

You’re stronger than they can ever imagine, ❤️ Momo

Some suggestions

You know yourself best, but I have few suggestions for filling this out. You can take them or leave them:

(On some pages, there may be more speeific suggestions in parentheses but those are just suggestions or prompts to get you thinking.)

The questions

On the original PDF, all those questions had blank lines to fill them (one quesiton per page). I recommend you writing down those questions and answer them one by one.



On the final page of the zine there’s a rectangle with the following text on it:

Envelope: Glue an envelope here to keep things that make you smile. Letters from friends, pictures, comics, cds, ect.
This is a pure text version of the PDF “Mapping Our Madness” by “Momo” on The Icarus Project (fireweed collective). You can find the Crisis Toolkit on The original is beautiful but doesn’t work well if you have a disability or if you don’t like PDFs.