Julian Langer

Ontological Anarchist Guerrilla Gardening

A Guide/Minifesto








Drifting through bewildernesses
Purposeful aimless wanderings
Treating Thoreau’s affirmation of walking as a declaration of rebellion


Planting seeds in fertile voids
Seed bombs thrown to destroy mass-extinction culture
Ideas, conversations, pamphlets, art, books and poetry as planting psychic seeds for the rewilding of minds
Gardens growing out of wreckage and ruination are beautiful sights


On the side of the pests and desiring weediness
While refusing to accept culls
Metaphysical rebellion as refusing to kill for Cause
As Libertad said — revolt is life!


No designs for feralculture gardens
No desire for the totalitarianism of agriculture
Permaculture and horticulture are fine harm reduction
But do not satisfy desires for the liberation of life potential


Guerrilla gardening as ontological anarchist attack against the too fucking late krapitalist death camp
Preservationist wildlife defence as positivist action
Revolted by annihilation and bored of cliche negativity
Rewilding as reweirding
No one will make it out of this alive, but fuck it — this was always absurd!