Title: Clarification of the Revolutionary Anarchist Front
Date: 20 December 2008
Source: Retrieved on 1st March 2023 from cedema.org
Notes: Original translation.

In view of the socio-political hustle and bustle at the end of the year, we met once again to share fraternally among all those who have acted so far, to share in the same way with comrades who have now returned to our ranks, to welcome new comrades, to discuss the social developments that afflict us, and to reaffirm our libertarian socialist and insurrectionalist stance that moves us to act.

After extensive discussion, we have come to the conclusion to disseminate our perspective through the following points:

  1. We categorically abhor the murder in Greece of the young Alexandro Grigoropoulus and we welcome all the days of protest that took place in repudiation of this fascist murder! However, we publicly regret that here in Chile there has not been a social effervescence to demonstrate a clear repudiation of murders such as those of Rodrigo Cisternas and Jhonny Cariqueo.

  2. We strongly support the General Assembly of Insurgent Workers of Athens, towards the construction of an international solidarity network of libertarian workers!

  3. We salute the comrades of the Rodrigo Cisternas Rebel and Insurrectional Youth! Forward comrades! Matías Catrileo remains alive in all our actions! For the independence of Wallmapu!

  4. We also abhor the new actions of the fascist repressive apparatuses in the south of Chile against the organisational and independence movements of Wallmapu. After the fire at the Automotora Goma in Temuco, we were able to personally witness the fascist rage, the operations, and the “peaceful” but contemptuous and racist attitude of the police, the ratis, the militia and certain sectors and institutions towards the peñi and lamiel.

  5. We were spectators of the national strike of the tax employees. We welcome the militant union of the workers, but we reject the aim of the strike: union revisionism led by the heads of the unions and federations, which was aimed only at reforming the economic income of the workers, an income that will have to be reformed in a while.

  6. We also want to refer to the accusations made by the armed and heartless Jean Marc Roullian Group. However, we will only refer to clarify certain details, as our intention will never be to disqualify someone without telling them personally or based on the hypothesis of something we do not know.

1. “(...) The lack of originality of what they have written is revealed in the basic copying of terms, in a work of “cut and paste” from other writings or from what we have heard or read (...)”. First: we have written all our communiqués in our own handwriting; second: we have indeed copied and pasted extracts from communiqués of other organisations, but with the aim of disseminating the existence of these organisations and vindicating their discourse as well as their praxis, always highlighting the quoted texts in inverted commas; third: our theory is not based on our own handwriting: our theory is in no way based on “what we have heard or read”, since we have spent much of our time reading and discussing the postmodernist texts of Alfredo Bonnano, Wolfi Landstreicher, etc., as well as a host of anonymous insurrectionalist texts.

2. “(...) so is the — laughable — symbol that characterises them (a classic anarchist A crossed by a rifle, the exacerbation of the weapon as a symbolic element that denotes the root of the person who devised this logo, something very typical of left-wing militarist organisations and of state militarists, assuming that in this Chilean reality the militarist left does not lead the state)(...)”. First: if you think that the image we use in a symbolic way is derisory — it is an image that we use in a symbolic way to visually represent FAR, it is not a symbol that we use to identify ourselves, since, in essence, the symbols that characterise us are the same that characterise any individuality or libertarian group — well, your opinion is respectable, everyone thinks what they want about anything; secondly, by using the classic anarchist A in the logo of the FAR, we are not using a symbol to identify ourselves, since, in essence, the symbols that characterise us are the same that characterise any individuality or libertarian group — well, your opinion is respectable, everyone thinks what they want about anything; secondly: by using the classic anarchist A crossed by a rifle, we want to visually represent our clear vision of an armed praxis that aspires to go beyond the placement of bombs or incendiary devices in strategic places, in no respect, as anarchists, do we want to demonstrate a false and non-existent “exacerbation of the weapon as a symbolic element”, because the only thing that represents us faithfully is our individual and collective thought, thought that moves us to act in the way we do, we know very well that weapons are tools, they are a means, not an end, our final aspiration is the destruction of the State and the establishment of anarchy, not the generalised taking up of arms by all of us, the people; thirdly: the root of who — not “who”; who is plural while who is singular — came up with this image — image, not logo, that image is not a logo, if we feel like it we can change that image for any other image, in fact, we had already thought of doing so....a logo is something official and permanent, while this image is not and never will be — they are not other people than ourselves, it was a collectively constructed image without taking the perspective of any of our people, besides, this image does not represent anything related to the futile and superfluous reactionary revisionism of the left...that is really laughable...for us there is no difference between centre, right and left, we want the dissolution of the left...

3. “(...) On the other hand, these supposed “comrades” in their actions are trying to confuse the facts: for example, the police state-owned condominium located in the Lo Espejo district, which they allegedly attacked on 16 July 2008, has in fact been abandoned since at least the end of 2007 (...)”. First: the police state-owned condominium located in the Lo Espejo commune where we placed two explosive charges, was abandoned but was then inhabited by different families, one of whom had a daughter of no more than fourteen years of age, which is why we took the precaution of placing the bombs after midnight, because our intention was to attack and scare the few policemen and women who guarded the condominium day and night, and who have now doubled their guard by putting more policemen and women on watch and even with a skunk, because of the two bombs that we put practically under their filthy and genocidal boots; secondly: if the condominium is now empty again, we don’t know because we haven’t been near the place since the night we attacked them, but if so, we hope that people have left for the reason we believe: nobody would like a couple of bombs in the playground where their children play...

4. “(...) The attack on SOFOFA was not committed by them, that is absolutely clear to us (...)”. We put a bag with a bomb inside the SOFOFA building. However, as a practical matter, we have stopped making bombs because we now prefer to use fire as a weapon. We are not an organisation made up of bourgeois or petty bourgeois, even though there are many of us, we also have personal responsibilities to fulfil: unfortunately, our actions as a group will not feed us.

5. “(...) Of course, it is also necessary to question facts such as the cuts to the Santiago underground metro network (something that often happens without any need for sabotage, since this means of transport is overloaded thanks to the disaster of the centrally planned public transport system of the capital) (...)”. First: the two power cuts we carried out on two different metro lines were carried out at stations and at times when there were a minimum number of people, as our aim was to demonstrate that it is possible to do this and not to harm people; secondly, we did not carry out the power cuts at the beginning of the implementation of the system: neither at the beginning of the implementation of the pernicious Transantiago nor to this day have there been any power cuts in the metro due to excessive use, all of Santiago knows what the failures of Transantiago were and are, and it is superfluous to list them; third: we have not carried out another power cut, nor will we do it again because the second and last time we did it, it almost didn’t work: people saw us and, moreover, the metro guards saw us.

6. “(...) It is not superfluous to say that we would be astonished if we believed that those who write these texts are really comrades, because that of informing on the popular sectors from where one acts, or informing on the homemade ways of constructing elements of attack and anti-state self-defense (without the purpose of encouraging it), is just that: informing! The truth is that the acts and above all the texts are easily destroyed (...)”. First: when we said and we say here and in our communiqué that we acted the night of September 11 in the streets of the commune of San Bernardo and Lo Espejo, we are not denouncing anyone — none of us live in San Bernardo and Lo Espejo — nor denouncing any sector of popular action, the cops know well where their boots are tightened, besides, the media help a lot, in all the newspapers the communes where the cops had problems that night were well pointed out....what color is Napoleon’s white horse? Secondly, we have not and never will inform on anyone, which, contradictorily, is one of the reasons why our organization has not grown disproportionately in a short period of time; thirdly, when, through our humble and humble organization, we have not been able to make a difference, we have not been able to make a difference: when, by means of our humble radio-recording, we try to transmit information on how to make Molotov’s bombs, gunpowder and explosive mechanisms, we are not informing on our way of acting — the cops and the repressive ratis know and are clear about everything we have done and will continue to do to destroy this state of affairs — but rather spreading the information that comrades who wish to act differently in the face of the bestiality of the State need to have. To denounce? To denounce is to accuse, to question, to put something in evidence in order to harm the one who is being denounced. We have not received news of any comrade who has fallen into the clutches of repression because of our homemade weapons classes, much less for participating in our organization. We do not believe that glass bottles — molos’ packaging -, fly paper — handmade slow fuse packaging -, or matchboxes — potassium chlorate — will cease to be marketed just because we say that these things are useful for combat.

7. “(...) It only remains for us to say that our hypothesis points to the need for the State, through its counter-insurrectionalist apparatuses, to stop the uncontrollable social action that has worsened in recent years and for that purpose it will spare no resources: from the classic infiltration of those who are really operating, to the setting up of false groups to try to insert themselves in the subversive milieu and validate an organization for which some real comrades will later fall. Let us remember that the FAR appears on the scene after the summit meeting of the intelligence services of the repressive institutions of the State which took place in the middle of 2008 and which resulted in the creation of a new office that would centralize the efforts to catch the members of insurrectionalist groups that had been sowing panic among capitalists and repressors for some years now. We remember (...)”. First: you yourselves clarify your way of thinking by saying that your whole perspective of us is nothing more than a simple hypothesis: an unreal idea of something that is not known; second: we did not have the slightest idea that in 2007, when we constituted ourselves as FAR, the “(...) FAR appeared on the scene after the summit meeting of the intelligence services of the repressive institutions of the State that took place in the middle of 2008 (...)”. If we were constituted as FAR in 2007 and began to act the same year, is it possible that we “appeared on the scene” in the middle of 2008? Impossible; third: neither did we have the slightest idea that in the middle of 2008 the repressive institutions of the Chilean State held a “summit meeting” “(...) which resulted in the creation of a new office that would centralize the efforts to catch the members of insurrectionalist groups that had been sowing panic among capitalists and repressors for some years (...)”. You, fellow reader, must ask yourself the same question as us: how did they know such information? It is something that gives food for thought. We do not believe that such information has been published in any newspaper or newscast, but if it was so, well, we declare ourselves absolutely ignorant. Nevertheless, we can already imagine the front page of La Tercera: “State institutions meet and create a new CNI-ANI that will be concerned with persecuting and imprisoning anarchists”.

8. “(...) From this moment they enter the scene, but committing some laughable mistakes (here are some of them that reflect their extreme stupidity): declaring themselves “comrades” of validated groups but trying to appear even with basic provocations (for example saying that they did “better” than another group), or the audacity of lying publicly claiming what they did not do or talking about events that simply never happened in reality (...). First: we have never said that we have done something better than another libertarian organization, any comrade can gather all our communiqués and verify such a thing; second: we have never claimed to have done anything that we have not done and even less have we spoken about events that have never happened. Why would we do such things? Would there be any reason for a painter to say that he is not a painter but a mechanic?

9. Since the Armed and Heartless Group Jean Marc Roullian, questioned several of our actions, why did it not question all our other actions? We emphasize once again that it was they themselves who made it clear that they are only based on hypotheses, and hypotheses, from the darkness of ignorance and unreality, are not capable of questioning everything.

10. Without basing ourselves on hypotheses, we say clearly that we believe that all this is a misunderstanding, because if we are not a false organization, much less an organization composed of infiltrated agents, we tend to base ourselves on good faith: the Armed and Heartless Group Jean Marc Roullian is not what we are not. All this only served to get a certain bourgeois newspaper to headline one of its columns: “Letter reveals fight between anarchist gangs”.

11. For those who have not read in full the communiqué issued by the Armed and Heartless Group Jean Marc Roullian, from which we have extracted all the above quotations, we transcribe it here faithfully, without any editing or spelling correction:


What summoned us on this recent night and morning of explosions

When we decided to appear on this day in the communes of Las Condes and La Reina (in a local of the company Movistar -avenida Las Condes 9147-, and a car dealership -avenida Ossa almost corner Bilbao-) respectively, at least two big themes encouraged us: on the one hand the abhorred and abhorrent Christmas with its blind feast of Catholicism and consumption, with its exact mixture between sumptuous Vatican and thieving capitalism. On the other, the appearance on the scene of the self-styled Revolutionary Anarchist Front (FAR).

We will start with the latter.

In an act that defies our tedium, we have revived and reread the texts disseminated by this organization and we have a few things to say: we totally doubt the anarchist and insurrectionalist character of the FAR; for this we base ourselves, on the one hand, on the catastrophic confusion of the fundamental concepts used; to enumerate them would be another catastrophe; but they are undoubtedly many and evident. The scarce originality of what they have written is revealed in the basic copying of terms, in a work of “cut and paste” from other writings or from what has been heard or read around.

In fact, the text of October 7, 2008 is laughable and clear in this sense, so is the symbol that characterizes them (a classic anarchist A crossed by a rifle, the exacerbation of the weapon as a symbolic element that denotes the root of who devised this logo, something very typical of left-wing militarist organizations and state militarists — assuming that in this Chilean reality the militarist left does not lead the state). On the other hand, these supposed “comrades” in their actions try to confuse the facts: for example, the public condominium owned by the police located in the Lo Espejo commune that they attacked on July 16, 2008 has actually been abandoned since at least the end of 2007. The attack to SOFOFA was not committed by them, that is absolutely clear to us. It is also clear to question facts such as the cuts to the Santiago subway network (something that often happens without the need of any sabotage, since this means of transportation is overloaded thanks to the disaster of the centrally planned public transportation system of the capital). It is not superfluous to say that we would be astonished if we believed that those who write these texts are really comrades, because that of informing about the popular sectors from where one acts, or informing about the homemade ways of constructing elements of attack and anti-state self-defense (without the purpose of encouraging it), is just that: informing! The truth is that the acts and above all the texts can be easily destroyed.

It only remains for us to say that our hypothesis points to the need for the State, through its counter-insurrectionalist apparatuses, to stop the uncontrollable social action that has become more acute in recent years and for that purpose it will spare no resources: from the classic infiltration of those who are really operating, we arrive at the assembly of false groups to try to insert themselves in the subversive milieu and validate an organization for which some real comrades will later fall. Let us remember that the FAR appears on the scene after the summit meeting of the intelligence services of the repressive institutions of the State which took place in the middle of this year 2008 and which resulted in the creation of a new office that would centralize the efforts to catch the members of insurrectionalist groups that had been sowing panic among capitalists and repressors for some years now. We remember.

From this moment on they enter the scene, but committing some laughable mistakes (here are some of them that reflect their extreme stupidity): declaring themselves “comrades of validated groups but attempting appearances of these even with basic provocations (such as saying that they did “better” than another group), or the audacity of lying publicly claiming what they did not do or talking about events that simply never happened in reality.

We hope we are not the only ones to be suspicious of this new “front”, in fact we have noticed it and therefore we call on all saboteurs who are present from all angles of the action to be vigilant, unmask and spread the word!

In this vigilance we believe it is also appropriate to hinder, at least a little, this new Christmas atmosphere, repeated year after year, and in which the suicidal social pressures emanate gelatinous from showcases and shop windows, only accessible by the stupid desire to have the unnecessary, disfiguring the face of the primordial desires?

The weapon of consumption is at our temples, laughing at us as it bursts us!

We also take advantage of this self-constructed space to express our solidarity with the uncontrollable insurrectionists, our Greek comrades:

We are with you in pain and rage. fire to all the terror of capitalism, the state and the church!!!!

Comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos you will continue in life through the memory in the insurrectionary action of those of us who build freedom by piecework!!!

Armed and Soulless Group Jean Marc Roullian”.

From now on, we salute you even if you are our enemies, or perhaps our friends, only time will tell....

We, the Revolutionary Anarchist Front FAR, make a new call to sabotage and attack the State!

Organize and create groups of resistance, sabotage and attack!

The art of war is built by those who fight for life!

Forward with all our weapons: peace and violence, sanity and madness, love and hate!

Ek! Al la barikadoj! Al la armoj!

Socian Revolution!

Up with all armed movements: never give up!

Marcelo and Fredy: Strength comrades!

Freedom to all political prisoners, we will not rest until we tear down all prison walls!

Self-determination of Wallmapu!