Solidarity Bookshop, Chicago
The Solidarity Catalog of Anarchist Literature

Solidarity Bookshop
May 1973
With this catalog, May 1973, we happily announce Solidarity Bookshop's new location: 713 West Armitage, Chicago 60614. We are street-front once again, in quarters large enough to share with Black Cross, the local branch of the IWW, Siren, and ah! sordid other nefarious cabals. Those with tenacious memories will recognize 713 as the original bookshop location. We haven't decided if our return to it is the work of the Eternal Recurrence, the law of averages, or the warped whimsey of the Great Watchmaker and Bugging Device Expert...
Literature is listed in the catalog under areas of interest as well as under the names and addresses of publishing groups. These classifications are only a way of locating various literature, they are by no means definitive, complete, or non-controversial ... wouldn't need classifying if they were.
Most "isms" come ready-complete with a body of official doctrine (e.g. Marxism, socialism, patriotism). Sneering at anything even vaguely smelling "official", anarchists recognize each other by how we live, not by whose Collected Works we've read. Anarchism is more a tradition of people in motion to seize control of their own lives than a series of Correct Texts. Anarchists have no bibles. We believe only in our strength together and the irresistibility of our mutual desire for freedom.
The anarchist tradition is the rebellious resurgence of this desire from its repression in history. Against the "revolutionary" governments of yesterday and today we oppose actions such as those of the insurgent Ukraine of 1917, the Kronstadt Commune, the CNT-FAI, the workers councils in Hungary '56. These are inspiring stories of hundreds of thousands of revolutionaries carrying on the activities of daily life without bosses, politicians, or cops, giving the lie to every hack who ever whimpered "But to save the revolution we must force the people to obey those who know what is best for them."
1.50 Prolegromena To A Study Of The Return Of The Repressed In History (SC) Rapid-fire collection of anarchist unruliness: texts, statements, graphics. 64 pp. Offset.
1.45 The Kronstadt Uprising (BR). By Ida Mett.
.50 Anarchy 2: Kronstadt.
.30 Kronstadt: 1921 (LS) by Victor Serge.
1.50 Bolsheviks and Workers' Control (LS). Detailed account by Maurice Brinton.
.30 Manifesto on the Russian Revolution. Originally published by North American anarchist groups, 1922.
1.25 Workers' Opposition (LS). By Alexandra Kollontai, written in early 1921 and submitted for discussion to the 10th Congress of the CP.
.15 Lenin and Workers' Control (SWF)
.20 Soviet Sexual Experience (SRAF). If you're uptight about political freedom ...
.25 Syndicalists in the Russian Revolution (SWF). By G.P. Maximoff.
2.95 The Russian Anarchists. Paul Avrich.
2.95 The Spanish Labyrinth. Gerald Brenan's thorough background to the conflict.
1.75 Homage To Catalonia. Personal account by George Orwell.
2.00 Lessons Of The Spanish Revolution. (FP) A critique of the anarchist movement from an anarchist perspective, by Vernon Richards.
.95 Seven Red Sundays. Novel by Ramon J. Sender
.15 * The Spanish Triangle (SRAF). Dan Family on military dictatorship--government control--workers' self-management.
.50 Durruti Poster (SC) Manifesto of the Durruti Column with -historical note on reverse.
.10 Spanish Revolution Revisited (Spanish Attentat) (SC). Brief comparison of left groups: socialists, communists, anarchists, by Russell Blackwell.
.25 The Commune. (PS) By Guillaume and Grainger.
.40 The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State. (FP) By M. Bakunin. (Also available, complete, in Anarchy magazine, No. 5.)
2.00 * Obsolete Communism; the Left-Wing Alternative. Limited number of Cohn-Bendit's hardcover book are available at this price.
1.00 Worker-Student Action Committees. (B and R) By Gregoire and Perlman. Account by participants.
.15 Anarchism in France '68. (SRAF) Interviews with the Cohn-Bendit brothers.
1.50 Hungary '56. (LS) By Andy Anderson. Must reading on a little understood eruption of workers' councils.
.25 Hungarian Workers' Revolution. (SWF)
.15 An Anarchist-Communist Program. (SRAF) Adopted by the Union Anarchica Italiana at its congress in Bologna, 1902.
.50 Italy after Mussolini. (RA) By John Hewetson. In 1943 the Italian working people beat back the Nazis through strikes, demonstrations, and other direct action, only to have their efforts destroyed by the "Allied" saturation bombings. So much for the "fight to save democracy".
1.00 Italy '69. Radical America issue devoted to workers unrest preceding the present wave of repression.
.25 Pinelli Assassinato. (SC) Detailed background to Pinelli/Valpreda case, victims of the present repression.
.25 Origins of the Anarchist Movement in China. (SC)
.60 Theses on the Chinese Revolution. (LS) By Cajo Brendel.
.10 Some Thoughts on the Thoughts of Mao. (SRAF)
IWW LITERATURE (GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, IWW, 752 W. Webster, Chicago, Illinois 60614)
Industrial Worker. Monthly paper published by the IWW, single issues 15 cents, year's subscription $3.00.
.10 IWW Preamble and Constitution.
.50 One Big Union. The IWW plan for industrial organization.
.50 Joe Hill. By Fred Thompson.
.50 The General Strike For Industrial Freedom.
3.50 The Bracero. A new novel about the farmworkers' struggle for a life worth living. By Eugene Nelson, IWW organizer and author of Huelga! (Thorp Springs Press, 2311-C Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California, 94705)
4.95 Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology. Ed. Kornbluh.
2.50 The Pullman Strike. (CK) By William Carwadine.
2.00 The Centralia Conspiracy. By Ralph Chaplin.
.60 Great Flint Sit-down Strike Against GM, 1936-37. (LS) By Walter Linder.
.70 Class Struggle and the GM Strike. 1970 (PS)
.10 * The Labor Party Illusion. By Sam Wiener.
2.95 - Quebec Labor (BR) Documents of the 245,000 member Confederation of National Trade Unions. "Dedicated to the working people of Quebec who will be among the first to establish a libertarian socialist society of workers' self-management."
(Please add postage contribution with poster orders)
.50 Haymarket Handbill. Facsimile of original.
.50 The Five Haymarket Martyrs.
.50 Louis Ling: "I despise you, your laws, your force-propped authority."
.50 Lucy Parsons: fought for freedom all her life.
(Box 8074, Huntington, West Virginia 25705)
.30 Conspiracy in Coal. By Tom Bethel.
.50 Harlan and Bill, Kentucky 1931-2. The national miners' union from Labor Defender.
.35 The W. Va. Miners' Union. From Labor Age.
.35 The Pittston Mentality: Manslaughter on Buffalo Creek. Bethel and McAteen.
When Southern Labor Stirs (In four parts):
.60 I. Introduction to the Struggle of Southern Mountain Textile Workers.
.35 II. Strike at Elizabethton.
.40 III. Strike at Gastonia.
.50 IV. Strike At Marion.
1.10 The Socialist and Labor Star, Huntington, 1912-5. By David Corbin.
.35 Romantic Appalachia. Poverty Pays If You Ain't Poor. By Don West.
.10 The Adventures of Super Jay. AMP Comics.
All anarchist literature is prison literature. Jails are only the most obvious and most painful means of coercion directed against us by the power-gluttons.
As long as one jail still stands, as long as we are threatened by the denial of freedom if we dare to live freely, we are all prisoners.
The following is a selection of literature presenting the anarchist viewpoint on jails: why we want them all abolished, why every prisoner is a political prisoner, and why we don't trust anyone whose program for the future society includes maintaining cages for the disobedient.
.10 The Failure of Punishment. (SRAF) By Jim Bumpas.
.20 Law, Supporter of Crime. (ISNV) Peter Kropotkin.
.20 Crime and Capitalism. (CADRE) David Greenberg.
.75 The Problem of Prisons. (AFSC) Devastating debunking of liberal myths about "corrections" by David Greenberg.
2.00 Exiled! (PR) An extremely competent and useful guide to extradition treaties, immigration procedures, employment, etc.
.15 Letter From a Greek Prison. (ISNV)
Instead of rolling out the many bald-treaded arguments over the relation of non-violence to anarchism, let us simply indicate a few points on which pacifists and anarchists can "put their hands together" ...
* As somebody's father, George Washington, once said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force." And it is precisely force as a means of social stability and the terror of institutionalized coercion (taxes, prisons, armies, police) that we seek to overthrow.
* The ultimate weapon in the revolutionary arsenal is the will of the population to refuse obedience: The General Strike whereupon together we Cease doing what we are told--killing each other in wars, compulsively producing and consuming wasteful, tasteless, boring, poisonous junk, in the meanwhile stepping on everyone within reach just to get ahead, and Begin the uninterrupted dynamic of what we freely choose to do--in cooperation with our neighbors to harvest and create what is necessary for meeting our needs and deleriously to pursue the promptings of hitherto inhibited desire.
* The abolition, at long last, of all captive space: no more ideologically justified,tax-supported "correctional" institutions, no more compulsory mis-education in the idiosyncracies of the previous generation, no more "work-for-my-wages-or-starve", no more police who protect people (from themselves) and if they don't like it, slap them in jail.
.25 On Revolution and Equilibrium. (ISNV) Essay by Barbra Deming.
.20 On the Necessity of Revolution. (ISNV) By David Harris.
.25 Laying Down the Gun. (FW) By Emile Capouya.
.15 Causerie at the Military-Industrial Complex. (ISNV) By Paul Goodman.
.65 Handbook on Non-Payment of War Taxes. (Peacemakers)
.20 Techniques of War Tax Resistance. (ISNV)
Call to Tax Resistance. (WTR) Cost of postage only.
1.00 Ain't Gonna Pay For War No More. 144 page paperback book by Bob Calvert on the how's and why's. (WTR)
.15 Some Revolutionary Notes. "Aquarian notebook" in a former lifetime, by Julius Lester.
.15 "Celebration of Awareness" (Excerpts), by Ivan Illich.
.20 The Frog in the Well. Theodore Roszak.
.15 The Denaturization of Nature. Henry Anderson.
.10 On a Park Bench With Two Ghosts. Gurney Norman.
In this section we list antiauthoritarian literature on and by women. For a continuing discussion of women and freedom, see Siren, a newsletter of anarcho-feminism, sample copies of which will be sent for postage.
.75 * Neither East nor West (FP) By Marie-Louise Berneri. Essays on the emerging Cold War written during the 1940s.
2.95 Autobiography of Mother Jones. (CK)
.20 Politics of Rape. By Susan Griffin (FOM)
.25 An Indian Girl in the City. (FOM) By Edna Manitobawabi.
.25 In a Woman's World of Men. (FOM) Collection of women's poetry.
1.00 Notes on Women's Liberation. "We speak in many voices" (N&L) Anthology.
Women and Film. Single issue, 75 cents, year's subscription, $2.00
By Emma Goldman
2.50 Anarchism and other Essays. Includes "The Traffic in Women", "Woman Suffrage" and "The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation".
3.50 Living My Life. Vol. I. Autobiography.
3.50 Living My Life. Vol II. Autobiography.
.35 Love Among the Free. (FOM)
.30 The Place of the Individual in Society. (FOM)
.25 Rebel! (SRAF)
.75 Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis. Wilhelm Reich.
.85 What is Class Consciousness? Wilhelm Reich.
1.25 Sexual Struggle of Youth. Wilhelm Reich.
By special arrangement with the English publishers, Solidarity Bookshop will be distributing the following two new anarchist books:
7.00 Franco's Prisoner. Miguel Garcia gives a defiant account of the postwar resistance to Franco. The underground labor movement, dodging the cops, keeping alive an illegal printing press, capture by the authorities, and a jail term of 20 years. Upon his release Garcia resumed the struggle in exile. This is without hesitation the most important book on postwar Spain. Must reading for all who want to learn of the growing international resistance to the Spanish state.
1.00 Floodgates of Anarchy. Exposition of the practice of anarchism by Garcia's comrades in the Black Cross -- Stuart Christie and Albert Meltzer.
.50 On How The Student Uprising is Reabsorbed. Garcia Calvo (author of the Arcata movement) exiled for his participation in Madrid student rebellions, writes an open letter to his compatriots.
.25 What is the CNT? Jose Peirats.
.25 Black Flag. Regular bulletin of the London Black Cross. Acid commentary of the international anarchist movement. Please specify if you'd like the current issue or a selection of back numbers. (25 cents per issue)
29 Grosvenor Ave., London, N.5, England.
.50 #2 Kronstadt, 1921.
.50 No. 4 Polish Bread Riots, 1972.
.50 #5 Anarchism in Japan.
.50 #6 Ireland.
.50 #7 Workers' Councils and Self- Management.
.50 #8 Friends of Malatesta Issue: "From Here We Grow"
.50 #9 Urban Guerilla.
.50 No. 10 Views on housing, transportation, air pollution.
.25 How Labour Governed, 1945-51. Tom Brown.
.20 Unholy Alliance: The 1966 Seamen's Strike. By George Foulser.
.20 What's Wrong with the Unions. Tom Brown.
.20 Workers' Control.
.20 The Social General Strike. Tom Brown.
.20 Strike Strategy. (National Rank and File Movement pamphlet.)
.20 Smash the Wage Freeze. Bill Christopher.
.20 The British General Strike, 1926.
3.00 Malatesta's Life and Ideas. Perhaps the easiest to read, clearest introduction to anarchism.
.65 ABC of Anarchism. Alexander Berkman. This would have to be tied with the above in clarity and directness.
.50 The State, Its Historic Role. Kropotkin.
1.00 The Slavery of our Times. Leo Tolstoy.
.70 Anarchy Now! Personal summary by Bill Dwyer.
Red and Black Journal of Sydney Anarchist Group:
.50 #2 "Pluralism and Anarchism", "Vietnam", others.
.50 #3 "Failure of Socialism", "Anarchism in Japan"
.70 #4 "Dictatorship of the Proletariat", "Sexuality and Orgasm", "Bakunin"
.25 Anarchy and Organization, Murray Bookchin.
.50 Anarchy, Malatesta.
.25 * The Machinery of Conformity. Anthony Fleming.
.25 The Parts, They Are All Around Us. Bob Dickens.
.25 Synthesis Is Our Only Possibility. Bob Dickens.
.20 New Urbanism. Constant Nieuwenhuys.
.40 Decentralization. Rudolph Rocker.
.05 * Malatesta On Property.
.10 Anarchist Communism, Malatesta.
.15 * Anarchist Revolution, Malatesta.
.15 Revolutionary Government, Kropotkin.
.35 * Bakunin: Rebellion.
.05 Three on Discipline: Lenin, Luxemburg, Bakunin.
.20 Watts Uprising, 1967 (SRAF)
2.00 Manual for Revolutionary Leaders. By M. Velli. Leninism with its theoretical pants down!
1.50 The Incoherence of the Intellectual. Essay on C. Wright Mills by one of his students, F. Perlman.
.50 Revolt in Socialist Yugoslavia. F. Perlman.
.25 The Fetish Speaks. K. Marx (Comics).
.25 The Reproduction of Daily Life. F. Perlman.
2.00 Essays on Marx's Theory of Value. I. Rubin, with an introductory essay on commodity fetishism by F. Perlman. First published in Moscow in 1928, subsequently suppressed. This is the only English edition of this important theoretical work.
.75 Plunder. A play by F. Perlman. (New York: Living Theatre Press, 1962)
.20 On the Poverty of Student Life.
1.25 Treatise on Living for the Use of the Younger Generation. Raoul Vaneigem.
Postage Anti-Anti-Mass.
Postage Minimum definition of a revolutionary organization. The above available from Contradiction.
.20 Decline and Fall of the Spectacular Commodity Economy. (SC)
1.00 * Beginning of an Epoch.
1.00 * The Poor and the Super-Poor.
1.00 Society of the Spectacle (B and R). Guy DeBord
1.00 Point-Blank. Contributions toward a situationist revolution.
.20 Wasteland Culture. George Benello.
.15 Black Flag of Anarchism. Paul Goodman
.15 Anarchism. Kropotkin's famous 1911 encyclopedia essay.
.15 Bramble of Power. Ronald Sampson.
.10 Power, the Enshrined Heresy. Ronald Sampson.
.15 Southern Tenant Farmers' Union and the CIO. Mark Naison.
.20 Two Steel Contracts. Comparison between "Radical" and actual steel workers' contract.
2.45 Bakunin on Anarchy. By Sam Dolgoff. Best anthology of Bakunin we've seen.
2.95 Post-Scarcity Anarchism. Murray Bookchin.
2.45 Anarchism--From Theory to Practice. by Daniel Guerin.
4.00 What Is Property. Proudhon.
4.00 Memoirs of a Revolutionist. Kropotkin.
1.50 God and the State. Bakunin.
5.00 One Man Revolution in America. By ordering_directly from Joan Thomas, Box 25, Phoenix, Ariz., all proceeds go toward publication expenses of this independently produced book.
3.00 The Great Riots of New York, 1712-1873. By J. T. Headley.
2.00 The Birth of Our Power. Victor Serge's account of revolutionary activism leading from Barcelona 1905 to French prison to arrival at the first "worker's state". Hardcover.
2.00 Men in Prison. Victor Serge. Describes the physical and psychological effects of 5 years as a political prisoner. Hardcover.
3.95 Modern Man in Search of Utopia
3.95 Utopia, U.S.A.
3.95 Communes, Europe.
2.95 Communes) Japan.
.30 As We Don't See It. Solidarity statement of position.
1.50 Workers Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society.
1.50 Modern Capitalism and Revolution. Paul Cardan.
.90 History and Revolution. A revolutionary critique of historical materialism, by Paul Cardan.
.30 The Meaning of Socialism. Paul Cardan.
.90 The Irrational in Politics. Authoritarian conditioning and sexual repression.
.60 From Spartacism to National Bolshevism. The German Communist Party, 1918-24.
.30 From Bolshevism to the Bureaucracy.
.60 Strategy for Industrial Struggle. Mark Fore.
1.50 Ceylon: The JVP uprising of 1971.
.30 The Crisis of Modern Society. Paul Cardan.
.30 The Fate of Marxism. Paul Cardan.
.30 GMWU - Scab Union. Mark Fore.
.30 Socially Responsible Scientists or Soldier Technicians?
.30 Socialism or Barbarism.
1.00 The Right To Be Lazy. (SC) Paul Lafargue. This refutation of the "Right to Work" was written by Marx's son-in-law in the 1880s. Anyone (foreman, commissar, or 7th grade teacher) who tells you to work harder or longer than you want, can't be on your side.
In the interest of presenting both sides of the question, try our Stalinist funnies:
.25 Political Economy Illustrated. Written in 1956 by Eric Jackson. A period piece of socialist realism.
.10 Marxism in the Nursery. Theoretical companion to the above. Articles by Sidney Dingelberry and Politt Burroughs.
.25 Listen to the Mocking Bird. (BP) Satirical songs to popular tunes by Tuli Kupferberg.
1.00 Newspoems. (BP) Poetical ruminations on daily news topics by Tuli Kupferberg.
.50 "Emperor Norton" poster: imperious pauper, professed charlatan and free-lance madman--live like him.
Useful in igniting joints, conversations, and other fuses.
-- Support your local anarchist. -- Don't vote; it only encourages them. -- Be realistic, demand the impossible.
Box of 50 match books .75
3 boxes, any combination 2.00
.25 Black Flag
.25 Sabotage Cat
The following Times Change publications are available at reduced prices:
.50 Listen, Marxist. Murray Bookchin.
.50 Honor America. The nature of fascism, historic struggles against it and a strategy for today, by Stanley Aronowitz.
.50 Tupamaros. Urban guerillas of Uruguay.
.50 Hip Culture. Essays on its revolutionary potential -- yippie, third world, feminist, marxist, high school student, anarchist.
(Samples priced as marked)
.10 Siren. 713 Armitage, Chicago, IL 60614.
.10 Match! P.O. Box 3488, Tucson, AZ 85722
.15 Freedom. 84b Whitechapel High St., London El, England.
.25 Black Flag. Bulletin of the Anarchist Black Cross, 10 Gilbert Pl., London W.C.1, England.
.10 The Walrus. Box 2307, Station A, Champaign, IL 61820.
.15 Industrial Worker. 752 West Webster, Chicago, IL 60614.
.30 Win Magazine. Box 547, Rifton, NY 12471.
.15 Solidarity Newsletter. Published by Philadelphia Solidarity, Box 13011, Philadelphia, PA 19101.
.01 Catholic Worker. 36 E. First St., New York, NY 10003.
From Vocations for Social Change, Box 13, Canyon, CA 94516.
.75 Women and Film. 2022 Delaware St., Berkeley, CA 94709.
.50 Our Generation. 3934 Rue St. Urbain, Montreal 131, Quebec.
.50 Anarchy Magazine. 29 Grosvenor Avenue, London N9, England.
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), 160 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, PA 19102.
Birth Press (BP), 381 E. 10th, NYC 10009.
Black and Red (BR), Box 9546, Detroit, MI 48202. (B and R)
Black Flag (BF) 10 Gilbert Pl., London W.C.1, England
Black Mountain Press (BM), Box 1, Corinth, VT 05039.
Black Rose (BR), 3934 Rue St. Urbain, Montreal 131, Quebec.
Charles Kerr Co. (CK), 431 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60605.
Contradiction, c/o Ken Knabb 1509 1/2 Kains, Berkeley, CA 94702.
Freedom Press (FP), 84b Whitechapel High St., London E1, England.
Friends of Malatesta (FOM), Box 72, Bidwell Station, Buffalo, NY 14222.
Frog in the Well (FW), 667 Lytton, Palo Alto, CA
Institute for the Study of Nonviolence (ISNV), Box 1001, Palo Alto, CA 94302.
London Solidarity (LS), 123 Latham Rd., London E6, England.
The Modern Utopian, 121 W. Center College St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387.
New England Free Press (NEFP), 791 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02118
News and Letters (NL), 1900 E. Jefferson, Detroit, MI 48207
Peacemakers, 10208 Sylvan Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45241
Philadelphia Resistance (PR), 106 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, PA 19107
Philadelphia Solidarity (PS), Box 13011, Philadelphia, PA 19101.
Point-Blank! P.O. Box 2233, Station A Berkeley, Calif. 94702
Radical America (RA), 5 Upland Rd., Cambridge, MA 02140
Socialist Reproduction, 57D Jamestown Rd., London N.W. 1, England
Social-Revolutionary Anarchist Federation (SRAF), Box 4091, Mountain View, CA 94040.
Solidarity Chicago (SC), 713 Armitage, Chicago, IL 60614
Sydney Anarchist Group, Box A425, P.O. Sydney South, 2000 N.S.W. Australia.
Syndicalist Workers' Federation (SWF), BCM Box SWF, London WC1V 6XX England.
Times Change Press, Penwell Rd., Washington, NJ 07822
War Tax Resistance (WTR), 339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012
To order from this catalog...
The bookshop is open 1-5 PM seven days a week. In addition to our own publications, we distribute anarchist, libertarian socialist, and other anti-authoritarian literature.
Mail Orders
Please prepay all orders--this includes bookstores and literature tables. It is a gesture of solidarity and self-confidence to hustle up the money for literature before ordering it. Someone has to front the money somewhere along the line and especially now that our rent has literally sextupled, our resources are stretched to breaking.
Everything listed in the catalog is currently in stock. Items marked by an asterisk (*) are in short supply and may go out of print. When ordering them please list alternates. For all items no longer available, we will return a credit receipt, redeemable for literature or cash.
Bulk Orders
We can offer a 40% discount only on Solidarity Chicago publications. For quantity orders of other literature, write directly to the publishing group.
Orders Outside The U.S.
Please make payments by international reply coupons or checks drawn on chartered banks. Otherwise it is extremely difficult for us to cash them.
We renew our pleas(e) for help with postage--any loose stamps sent along will be appreciated.
Web posting note 2021
A previous version of the Solidarity catalog was published in 1965.