#title Dispatches from Khartoum #author Sudanese Anarchists Gathering #date January 18 2022 #source Retrieved on Feb 23 2025 from https://www.anarchistfederation.net/sudanese-anarchist-gathering-dispatches-from-khartoum/ #lang en #pubdate 2025-02-23T22:37:30 #topics sudan, communique, revolution, politics of history #notes Published by Organize Magazine *** Dispatch From Khartoum #1 To our anarchist comrades, a short note on what happened in the demonstrations of January 17. There were violations and (tactics of) excessive repression practiced by the government forces against the defenseless peaceful revolutionaries. This led to the martyrdom of 7 revolutionaries in the center of the capital, Khartoum, and serious injuries from the use of live ammunition. The people decided to take control of the capital, Khartoum, and all the cities of Sudan, and to declare comprehensive civil disobedience as of today, January 18, 2022. Now and until this moment the revolutionaries control all the streets with checkpoints. The security forces appear and disappear from time to time to practice their excessive suppression of the revolutionaries, but despite this, the revolutionaries are in a stabile state and the streets remain closed by their orders and the revolutionary system. A.C.A.B
Sudanese Anarchists Gathering *** Dispatch From Khartoum #2 **** February 7th The demonstration did not witness the martyrdom of any of the rebels. There’s just been some injuries, and they’re all stable. The central demonstrations that bring together Khartoum Bahri, Omderman and Khartoum city will be in one place, central Khartoum, on February 14. **** February 21st Processions in the three cities of the capital One martyr (8-year-old boy) was ran over by a bus driven by a citizen in Tress next to the Amsiti lounge in Berri, Khartoum, which led to his immediate martyrdom. More than 200 injured in Khartoum, 87 injuries (hospitalized). Of these, 20 were hit by tear gas canisters, 12 in the head and 3 must be transferred to specialized hospitals. One comrade has got shrapnel from a sound bomb (Ed. Flash Bang Device?) in the eye. He was transferred to a specialty hospital. A man was injured when he was run over by police and a child suffered a broken rib due to a stampede. The rest are in stable conditions and thank God. In Omdurman, 33 injuries (confined to us and hospitalized). Of these, 16 were injured by tear gas canisters in various parts of the body (head/chest and leg). 10 in the head. One person got a rubber bullet in the legs. He’s got splinters from a sound bomb in the left hand. 5 injured were brutally beaten, all of them and the rest are in stable condition, thank God. 67 were injured people in the city of Bahri were able to reach the hospital in addition to dozens who were rescued on the ground, 2 with gunshots. The first in the hand, breaking 3 fingers and shattering the bones. The second was shot twice in the left leg and right arm. 6 of the injured were ran over by Thatchers (Ed. militarised pick-ups) belonging to the coup d’ tat. The first is a child who was ranover, causing multiple injuries, and he’s going to need to see aspecialty hospital, no fractures, thank God. The second was ran overcausing sporadic injuries to many parts of his body, no fractures,thank God. The third child was ran over, causing chest, head and legsinjuries. No fractures, thank God. He was sent to hospital to be andwill need to be seen by a brain specialist. Of the remaining 3 whowere ran over (one by a digger), one suffered a broken neck and ahead injury and will also need to be seen by a brain specialist. **** February 22nd A large number of detainees have been released due to the continuous pressure of the daily demonstrations on the government. The government’s financial treasury has gone bankrupt and they are now about to fall. Sudanese Anarchists Gathering (Mild editing by Organise) *** Dispatch From Khartoum #3 The uprising in Sudan continues. The past few days has seen the movements close down the capital city, Khartoum, bringing the city to a stand still. They have done this with a combination of brick barricades and smoke screens created by burning tires. As we post this, the demonstrations are heading towards the presidential palace of the government once more. General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the head of the ruling Junta, has refused to appoint a prime minister, civilian or otherwise, tho the demonstrations have softened his position to suggesting one would be appointed after negotiatian with civilian bodies and the uprising. The resistance commitees of Sudan have thoroughly rejected talks with the military, the only solution they will entertain is for the military to step out of politics and hand over power to the people once more. The brute force of the military in supressing demonstrations, the murder of dozens of people, including atleast 11 children, the raids on media offices / healthcare facilities, and the usurption of the transition towards democracy all seal the military as an enemy of the people and one which the protests – at least for now – have absolutely no intention of sitting down with. Meanwhile, a fundraiser organised by the Anarchist Federation saw €2680 raised for the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering. This was some 536% more than the target. They decided to re-direct some of these funds towards helping other anarchist organising, chiefly comrades in Ukraine, where they donated monies to Operation Solidarity
(www.operation-solidarity.org), ABC Dresden (www.abcdd.org./en/2022/02/240support-anarchist-community-in-ukrain-during-war), ABC Galicja (https://zrzutka.pl/9hubp6), and Federation of German speaking Anarchists — FdA — Project Safehouse (https://fda-ifa.org/ukraine2022/). When pressed on whether they were sure this is how they wanted to use the monies given to them they replied “Yes … we are one team. We sleep with one idea. We help each other so that the idea expands and the whole world becomes anarchist.” *** Dispatch From Khartoum #4 On the same day as we posted the last dispatch, a young man was shot in the head and neck in the city of Wad Madani by the coups force. His namd was Muhammad Abdul Latif. On the 31st his name was joined on the list of dead by Assem Hassabo, who is twenty-three years old. He was shot in the chest by fascist government forces. He died in a brutal day where some 50 people were shot and injured by the police. This spike in the number of gunshot wounds is due to the police responding to the uprisings resiliance by greater utilising shotguns firing “Suk-Suk” shells (the local name for either birdshot/buckshot) which fire multiple projectiles. This is done to quell gatherings by indiscrimiantly injuring as many as possible. There continues to be reports of stabbings and lacerations caused by militerised police bearing machetes. A weapon that is used entirely to inspire terror. The tone of the state is clear and as the weeks move on the escalation and threat of violences spirals ever greater. In the coming days, the resistance commitees of Sudan have called for a major push on the government in which they, as one comrade put it, hope to “write a great heroic epic”, by organising a mass sit-in until the regine is overthrown. A tactic which has a long and storied history in Sudan with thousands participating in previous sit-ins, albeit it often met with the brutal, uncaring hands of the police and military. Our solidarity to those on the streets, for a working class revolution! *** Dispatch From Khartoum #5 **** April 24th Kereinik, Darfur, Militias gathered on 250 motorcycles to the North, To the West they were on horseback. Government Rapid Support Forces took the East and the South blocking escape. Gunfire would rage through the day, on the 25th footage of burning buildings with gunfire in the background would turn up on like. Militia men laughing over the burning buildings. This is the second massacre that has been perpetrated in the Kereinik area in the city of Al-Geneina. The RSF has been involved in such massacres against the weak and helpless in Darfur since 2003 our Sudanese comrades write: “Sometimes the situation is calm there, and sometimes they are subjected to massacres. This is a big event and it will happen more, but things will change and the waterfall of bloodshed and the killing of innocents in our community will stop, if the revolution is victorious and the tyrants are uprooted. And we, the anarchists, will work hard for the victory of the revolution, despite the violence that the government follows towards the revolutionaries and is trying hard to abort the revolution. But no way, we will not allow that”. May 4th — It was a great day, we did a heroic epic against the government forces despite the brutal suppression of the fascist government forces, we were in a state of steadfastness and resistance. The government forces tried new tactics and the addition of police dogs and horses to clamp down on the rebels. Unfortunately one protestor Mojtaba, a resident of Al-Sahafa City, Khartoum State, was ran over by government forces, He was taken to hospital by his comrades but died because of the sheer trauma and number of broken bones. *** Dispatch From Khartoum #6 The demonstrations in the capital, Khartoum, witnessed excessive repression and a large number of injuries, and one martyr was martyred. The Khartoum Resistance Coordination Committees announced the revolutionary escalation and paralysis throughout the capital by barricading the streets. Atleast one person was killed by the police forces. Martyr Muhammad Khalid glory and immortality to him. This is the policeman who gave the orders to kill protesters today in Omdurman. Yes, it is horrific and oppressive without any mercy. Damn the governments, we will continue until they bring them down. We resist, we don’t compromise.
Sudanese Anarchists Gathering May 28th Via The Resistence Committee “In the name of the rebellious and steadfast Sudanese people, we pray for God’s mercy to be bestowed upon the souls of the honorable martyrs, and we also send our sincere prayers to the injured for a speedy recovery. Today, Al-Kalakla revolutionaries marched in procession, announcing a revolutionary escalation against the coup. They fulfilled their promise by filling the streets with chants. As usual, the processions were met with extreme violence by the forces of the coup military authority, using a variety of weapons against the peaceful processions, including live bullets, shotgun shells, and tear gas grenades against the peaceful protesters, resulting in a large number of casualties among Al-Kalakla revolutionaries, some of whom were serious and in an unstable condition, leading to the death of two martyrs: — The martyr Alaa Al Din Adil, Live bullet shot to the chest. — The martyr Izz Al Din Al Noor, suffocation from tear gas. They were killed by the same individuals who never ceased shedding the blood of the Sudanese in order to maintain power and protect the interests of the dark forces. We call on all comrades in the resistance committees and the forces rejecting the coup to intensify their efforts and reach the peak of the resistance and revolutionary action that leads to the overthrow of the coup in the coming period by regularly taking to the streets and working to ensure the success of the strikes and vigils. Media Office
May 28, 2022”
The resistence continues daily. They go out and face live ammunition from shotguns and AK47’s aswell as water cannons, tear gas, and melee weapons. The state is murdering people almost daily. The struggle continues. *** Dispatch From Khartoum #7 Demonstrations, propaganda processions, and decentralized processions continue to exhaust the government forces, and the revolutionaries have dubbed them The Road to June 30. The large, central, mass demonstration that will have a significant impact on overthrowing the tyrannical military regime. The revolutionaries will come from all the different states of Sudan to participate in it, which will be in Khartoum with a very large crowd and the rest of the Sudanese states. Most likely the target will be the presidential palace or the general command of the armed forces. Injustice and tyranny will fall, and people will enjoy peace, equality and social justice.
Society will be cooperative and flowers will emerge from the desert. O our great people, we must go out on the 30th of this June to uproot your rights that were plundered by the fascist authority and bring them down through collective resistance with the unified forces of revolution until the sun of salvation rises and the darkness clears. #Million_30_June Press Release | Preparation for June 30
Khartoum State Resistance Committees Coordination The dream is not a solid block, but rather a stairway that is climbed with perseverance and steps, and the journey itself is just as beautiful as reaching the destination. The 30th of June is approaching, and preparations are in full swing, with arrangements from all committees and coordinations continuing unabated.
Preparation for June 30 entails transforming all aspects of everyday life into invitations for this great day. The individual is a system that may function from waking up to falling asleep to call for the auspicious June 30, in the workplace.. transportation.. social gatherings.. cultural.. sports.. and social media groups. They are all places in which we may work together without becoming weary or bored. As for the field side, the committees’ kennel is filled with arrows and surprises that excite the revolutionaries and frighten the putschists. Our message to everyone: 1. To the revolutionaries: Let us make the call to go out on the thirtieth of June a daily act in all aspects of life, and to renounce small differences, for the goal is greater, and the trust is the souls of martyrs; we may walk in different paths, but we certainly have one destination and one goal. 2. To the revolutionaries abroad: You have been and are still providing financial, moral and media support, so your role is no less than that of the revolutionaries at home, so make the 30th of June a day to remember for all at your places, and show the world that Sudanese are one body and one soul. 3. To those who are neutral: Know that this is a moral battle, and that in a moral situation there is no place for neutrality, and that the present deterioration, despite its severity, is not the end but the beginning; then you will recognize your wrongdoing and feel guilt and shame. 4. To the security services: Know that throughout history, no tyrant has prevailed over his people, and that regardless of how long the tyranny and the mobilization of the oppressor’s military machine, his destiny is the dustbin of history, and the former government is a close example. Keep in mind that the tyrant is the first to sacrifice his soldiers and blame them for his crimes, as evidenced by Al-Burhan’s recent remarks, and the killers of martyrs now standing before the courts as even greater evidence, so be on the side of your people and family. 5. To the putschists: victory is undoubtedly coming. The coups era in Sudan is over and forever, and nothing will save you from the raging waves of the revolution. Therefore, submit unconditionally and cease engaging in further filth and illegal activity. The thirtieth of June is not the end of the waves of the revolution, but it is a tsunami that shatters the fortresses of the coup and makes it naked in front of the waves to come. Victory is coming, guarded by the hopes of the people and the souls of the martyrs. Field Office
Khartoum State Resistance Committees Coordination
June 25, 2022
Greater Omdurman Resistance Committees Coordination
Khartoum City Resistance Committees Coordination
Bahri Neighborhoods Resistance Committees
El Haji Yousif Resistance Committees Association
Sharg Al Nil Coordination
*** Dispatch From Khartoum #8 The battle with the security forces continues. So far, 9 heroes have been killed. Many were injured, and many protesters were arrested. (There was) Excessive repression by government forces against unarmed peaceful demonstrators in the city of Khartoum. These pictures (below) are when we entered the city of Khartoum coming from Omdurman today (30 June) at eight o’clock and the battle is still going on. We reached the center of Khartoum and we merged with the revolutionaries there and now heading to the presidential palace. Yes, there are sit ins (a protest stratergy with heritage in Sudan and the struggle against the government especially) The Al Jawda Sit- in in khartoum city , The second is in Omdurman. From time to time we make tours to the presidential palace to consume government forces. Then we return again to participate in the sit-in. For both the Anarchist gatherings and the people, the goal is the same, and that is the overthrow of the military regime. *** Dispatch from Khartoum #9 Regular demonstrations involving thousands of people continue. A demonstration on Thursday (October 13th) in the capital, Khartoum, so thousands head towards the palace. The focus of the day was to prevent the militarization of judges after the release of military criminals who killed the revolutionaries in the previous demonstrations. The revolutionaries chanted, “The people want to overthrow the judiciary.” These cries have no end or deterrent, neither the militarization of the judiciary, nor political maliciousness, nor the UN Security Council, nor the bullets of proof, nor the malice of the Islamic movement. Our slogan will be raised in large demonstrations such as next October 25, all walls will be decorated with the liberation slogan, and it will be raised above the police armoured vehicles and above the palace on Victory Day. As for the small demonstrations, we continue to raise the flags of the brave martyrs. One such revolutionary event in Al-Kalakla area of Khartoum. Saw hundreds gather. The police tried to intervene but were forced to flee. The capitalist system is collapsing. Our revolution is a cumulative action since the coup of the Islamic movement in 1989 in the month of June. The revolutionaries were a minority. With the broadcast of revolutionary action, the September revolution erupted in 2013. Then came the December revolution of year 2018 and until the moment it continues, and the revolution has become a daily practice. It has become an addiction to us until the rule of the individual is overthrown and the people rule themselves. We will not accept any political settlement and we will fight until the last breath. And the revolution here has become of all generations. Children go out in demonstrations. It will be from generation to generation until victory. *** Dispatch from Khartoum #10 **** Thursday 13th The sudden military movements of the Rapid Support Forces [RSF] confuse the Sudanese scene..and the army warns of “a conflict that may eat everything and everything”. The RSF continues to spread in various regions in Sudan, which made the army fearful. **** Saturday 15th — Morning The clash began in our region, Khartoum, between the Rapid Support Forces and the army, and in large cases of killing among the citizens and the two armies, and the possibility of the internet being cut off. My friends, we hope to meet after the war in peace. Now, clashes are taking place between the two armies in the capital, Khartoum, in which we live. A few moments ago, some citizens died, and the clashes are now taking place in different parts of Sudan. The Rapid Support Forces control the presidential palace, Khartoum International Airport and Marawi Military Airport, and the clashes are still ongoing. If the Rapid Support Forces achieve control, how will they behave towards social movements like yours? And would their control be more fragile than the current government? The Rapid Support Forces are merciless militias. Any peaceful demonstrations will be like [protests against] the Afghan Taliban. **** Saturday 15th — Evening The situation is now calm in the capital, Khartoum. The Sudanese army has regained many areas in the capital, Khartoum. The army stated that in the coming hours it is working to strike by air the headquarters of the Rapid Support Forces in the capital, Khartoum. So far, 15 citizens have died in the capital, Khartoum. There are heavy losses in the midst of the two armies. Marawi city airport and El Geneina city airport are in the grip of the Rapid Support Forces and some military areas. The army regained Khartoum airport and took control of the capital, Khartoum. The total number of dead citizens is 25 people all over Sudan, and the injuries are 183 people. We are now working to spread awareness and sensitize citizens to the importance of armies leaving outside residential cities to reduce losses among citizens in the future, if this happens again. Today a citizen was run over inside his car because of the recklessness of the tank driver on the public road full of citizens. **** Sunday 16th In these hours, the Rapid Support Forces in the capital, Khartoum, are being bombed by air forces inside their camps. A large number of the Rapid Support Forces fled and took refuge in citizens’ homes in the Jabal Awliya area, south of Khartoum, and the citizens were expelled from their homes. And now the bombing is continuing and the accessories operation is continuing, and it is very likely that the war will move inside the homes of the citizens in the coming hours. **** Monday 17th The situation is very difficult. The past hours witnessed heavy shelling. Now the situation is relatively calm. Only the clashes are in the vicinity of the General Command and the Presidential Palace now. We in the group educate the citizen and give first aid to every injured person as a result of the bombing. Medical supplies have become a scarce thing, and few hospitals are functioning, and they are filled with injured citizens and soldiers. We are not neutral, because we are in a peaceful battle since the era of the ousted al-Bashir until now, against the militarization of the country and the control of guns on the streets. We started with our peacefulness and we will continue with it to achieve our goals against all parties to the war now taking place in the streets of the country. We started with it and through it we will be victorious, because we are against war and against any outcome that results from it. Both belligerents do not care about the security and safety of our people, so we call on them not to settle their scores among innocent citizens. #A.C.A.B.
#No to war, yes to peace *** WHAT CAN YOU DO IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF SUDAN? You can do a lot, individually or with a few people. The important thing is to talk about Sudan so that as many people as possible are informed about what is happening there!
1. Keep up to date with the situation in Sudan via the SudfaMedia [French]. 1. Send messages of solidarity to contact@cnt-ait.info, and we’ll pass them on to our fellow anarchists in Sudan. 1. Talk on social media to your family, your friends, and your work colleagues about Sudan, its revolution and the abomination of the army, the rapid forces and the Islamists. 1. Organise leaflet distributions, press tables, solidarity collectionsand events in solidarity with the Sudanese people and against the massacres. 1. Collect donation to support our fellow Anarchists in Sudan. You can send donations through CNT-AIT using the paypal platform: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cntait1