#title Hurry to Play #subtitle An Embellished Poem Inspired By “Armed Joy” by Alfredo Bonanno and My Time Spent in Psychiatric Detention Centers #author Ursula Curiosa #LISTtitle Hurry to Play: An Embellished Poem Inspired By “Armed Joy” by Alfredo Bonanno and My Time Spent in Psychiatric Detention Centers #date 2022 #source [[https://refusejournal.com/hurry-to-play/][refusejournal.com/hurry-to-play]] #lang en #pubdate 2023-02-13T02:13:39 #authors Ursula Curiosa #topics Armed Joy, anti-psychiatry, psychiatry, psychogeography, after the revolution, joy, Marx, psych ward, psychiatric detention center, arm yourself, autonomous communities, community building, community self-defense, intentional communities #notes Written in 2021. Published in August 2022 at [[www.refusejournal.com/hurry-to-play/][refusejournal.com/hurry-to-play]] With thanks to Alfredo M. Bonanno for writing “Armed Joy,” which is available to read at [[https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alfredo-m-bonanno-armed-joy/][theanarchistlibrary.org]] and is available for listening at [[https://resonanceaudiodistro.org/2015/10/18/armed-joy-audiozine/][resonanceaudiodistro.org]] Empty cages Ashes of mental asylums The unquiet dead and living Shove Capital’s statute of madness back into its face. The heavy DSM-5 Leaves marks When applied. Hope persists alongside my dreaming Screaming sobbing sickness Hurry Comrade: Hurry to play. Hurry to go mad. Hurry to refuse work. Hurry to arm yourself. Hurry to create communities of joy. [[u-c-ursula-curiosa-hurry-to-play-1.png f]]