Title: What Is A Woman
Subtitle: A Short Gender Egoist Simplification
Author: Wulfinna
Date: 17 Sep 2024
Source: https://ignitedindark.wordpress.com/2024/09/17/what-is-a-woman/

Any feminine-aligned adult individual who develops self-content within womanhood, female identity/conventions which vary from cultural region to cultural region.

Any individual who activates certain — but not strictly all — social aesthetics and conduct in order to be in line with traits conventionally associated with women.

Any individual who dissolves the sacredness of taxonomy with her conscious existence as a woman, regardless of essentialist wailing about perceived "Flaws," "Defects" or "Inauthenticity".

(Cisgender women, that is, women who affirm their having been assigned "Female" at birth and who pursue femininity in agreement with this, experience much of the same hatred and dehumanization that transgender women face each and every day, especially when it comes to reproductive capability, physical appearance, etc. All women, transgender or cisgender, suffer patriarchy in similar but unique circumstances.)

A woman is a person who delivers raw self-contents into the versatile bounds that form the living picture of a woman.

She is her own while engaging the social sensors that call out "Woman!"

She is free and she is entire.