It’s been already 25 days that the mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the girlfriend of the second one are locked up in the cells of democracy.

We have already been for 25 days on hunger strike until death, demanding their immediate release.

It’s been 25 days and already eight of us are in hospitals with their health condition on the limits.

25 days are not just a number on a calendar, it is the experiment of evolution of repression, with new methods of emotional blackmail against imprisoned anarchist urban guerrillas.

This is not the first time the cardinals of “justice” set up an Inquisition against relatives of imprisoned urban guerrillas. It has happened before in the past, with persecuted relatives who were ultimately acquitted in courtrooms, after they were led as trophies by the police, on the the altar of media and journalistic cannibalism. But this is the first time that repression is applied with such intensity against relatives, unleashing pogroms. Three arrests, two detentions and a case file that remains open.

The velvet laws of democracy in a period of leftist management of authority, imposed their own coup, that not even the military junta had not dared to impose. During the military hunta, when a fugitive – wanted enemy of the regime found shelter in a relative’s house, not even the military judges dared to persecute or imprison their relatives. Today, however, democracy is revealed in an increasingly fascist and vindictive way. Even the illusions of freedom, retreat now. It wears the iron chest of law, to ensure its tyranny. It attacks with imprisoning relatives, counter-terrorism laws, hood-laws, persecutions even for political texts, increased power of the judiciary and the counter-terrorism agency, tv-trials with journalists in the role of prosecutors, raids and searches in houses… This is the background of democratic freedom.

Repression, then, is not just a word. It is not only handcuffs, investigators and locked prison doors. It is, above all, a social relationship. It is a constant promise and guarantee the of balance of power horror. So, this is why we say that the case of detention of our relatives is not just a personal matter. It is the management of fear and emotional blackmail which starts from the individual, to reach the collective. The goal is one: the complete isolation and permanent elimination of the choice of the anarchist urban guerrilla.

The power and its system knows, now, that the arrests and imprisonment of unrepentant anarchist urban guerrillas will not lead us to any surrender or truce. Even prison, can become the laboratory of subversive situations for people whose captivity did not extinguish the flame of freedom inside them. It is another thing for one to be arrested and another to surrender. The only way that the system invented to neutralize us, is to isolate us politically, through journalistic slander, and to make us hostages, held not only by the state BUT also by our choices, which now have an impact on our associates, leading them to prison.

Currently, the blackmail of authority is clear: We either make a truce or our relatives will remain in prison. These is are the real organized crime and mafia practices…

Towards the terror dilemma, we answer with the dilemma of dignity and fight∙ they will either release our relatives, or they will deal with the torching of social peace, on the background of the hunger strike and the interactive relationship of fight and attack it creates.

Of course, repression has an expansionary intention, as it wishes for the fear to take up every possibility of subversive relationship and action. The pre-trial detentions of our relatives work as the forefront of fear, aiming to generalize it. It is no coincidence that, in the investigative offices, they have and check the books of the visits we had in prison since 2011… It is no coincidence that in the courts against us not only everyone present’ name is kept in the cops’ files, but also they’re “mapped” (even photographed) by the counter-terrorist officers and the undercover cops inside the court room. So, the message is clear∙ since they didn’t hesitate to imprison our relatives, then every comrade in solidarity can be found captive in an investigative office because they helped us financially, because they sent us a letter, because they talked to us… Here’s the point where the puzzle of repression is being set up. The counter-terrorism law describes exactly this condition∙ “Whoever helps morally or financially a terrorist organization, can be charged with being a member of it”. The more indefinite power is, the more totally it governs… So, the counter-terrorism law wished to repress every expression of solidarity. In what other way could the term “moral help” be interpreted? This way, everything is placed on the vice of repression. Moral help can even be to send a book to a prisoner or distribute a text of theirs, or even to publish it on counter-information sites. The same goes for the financial help. Collectives funding political prisoners for their living inside prison, can be targeted.

The bet set against the onslaught of fear is demanding and unconditional. We can reverse the terms and make fear change side. Towards the fear of repression, we can stand up with the stubbornness and the decision to attack, with no truce. The beginning of the judicial coup that imprisoned our relatives can be the starting point of a restart of rupture and battle for total liberation. The hunger strike is a mound of dignity towards the suffocating siege of laws. The hunger strike can work as a detonator that may trigger a fairly heterogeneous explosive mixture. It is a meeting point that, on the background of the invasion of the police and judicial state, it connects people of fight, regardless the individual starting points, the specialties and one’s differences. In no case do we promote the fake “unity”, projecting the collective amnesia of the ruptures that have taken place. It is not a fake “all together”, but an imperative “now it is time to act”. The challenge put by the enemy with our relatives’ imprisonment, goes over the individuals, likes and dislikes and this is why it can release a huge dynamic. The dynamic of the sharpening of the constant anarchist attack against every form of power. There, in the attack does one discover him/herself and his/her desires. And we can argue again tomorrow, if we want… But, today, it is time for decisions.

Either with Anarchy or with authority




Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF,

Prison Cell